Today, we had the honor of collaborating with Dr. Leon Meytin, a highly regarded neurologist and movement disorder specialist, to deliver an enlightening lecture at one of the communities where Senior Helpers provides services. Dr. Meytin, a graduate of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, is known for his expertise in Parkinson’s disease and his dedication to improving patient outcomes through education and care.
Discover tips for caregivers to support senior hydration for bladder health and help seniors stay hydrated for better overall well-being.
Learn effective senior incontinence care tips for family caregivers to support health, dignity, and comfort. Keep reading to find professional help now.
Support respiratory health in seniors with essential care tips, common lung issues, and strategies for maintaining strong lungs. Learn more.
Discover practical tips and emotional guidance for caregivers providing support for seniors with breast cancer during their treatment journey.
Diana Nyad set out to swim from Cuba to Key West. She failed after four attempts - her journey was beset by harsh weather, the stings of poisonous jellyfish, and the overwhelming exhaustion that would have stopped almost anyone else. But at the age of 61, on her fifth attempt, she defied all these odds and completed the historic 110-mile swim.
Get key autumn support for seniors. Learn to manage mood changes, keep routines, and stay active in fall with practical caregiver tips. Essential advice inside.
Help seniors feel connected during back-to-school with nostalgic activities, community events, and emotional support. Discover senior support back-to-school.
Learn the causes of dry and itchy eyes in seniors and how to manage them effectively. Read on.
Learn how to overcome barriers to senior eye care, from financial help and transportation to raising awareness. Ensure seniors get the vision care they need.
Discover the benefits of joining a senior walking group, improved heart health, social connections, and more. Learn how to stay active and connected today.
Discover essential tips for senior heat safety to stay cool and safe during the summer. Learn how to recognize heat-related illnesses and prepare effectively.
Explore Alzheimer's prevention strategies: exercise, healthy eating, mental stimulation, and social interaction for optimal cognitive health.
Discover how an Alzheimer's calendar app can help seniors regain control by managing daily tasks and appointments.
Discover how caregivers can support seniors with anxiety. Learn about strategies, professional help, and services for anxiety awareness in seniors.
Explore spring dinner recipes for big families, featuring fresh ingredients and catering to diverse diets. Also, find caregiving support in Fairfield.
Discover effective sundowning strategies for seniors with dementia. Learn how our specialized Alzheimer's care services in Fairfield can help.
Discover senior tax tips tailored for financial health. Learn about deductions, credits, and tax planning strategies for seniors. Get local assistance.
Discover how homebound seniors can celebrate Passover joyfully with adaptations, inclusive festivities, and additional support. Learn more.
Over the past few months, I've had the honor of facilitating a Parkinson's Disease support group at a prestigious community in Fairfield. During our sessions, residents have often mentioned Dr. Leon Meytin, a local Neurologist specializing in Parkinsonism and Movement Disorders. They've praised him not only for his expertise but also for his genuine care for patients. Recently, we were fortunate to have Dr. Meytin as a guest speaker, and his insights were invaluable.
As we age, our nutritional needs change, and it becomes increasingly important to fuel our bodies with foods that promote vitality, longevity, and overall well-being. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can significantly impact the quality of life for seniors, helping to stave off illness, maintain cognitive function, and enhance longevity.
Learn how to manage caregiver finances effectively with our guide. Discover budgeting, tax deductions, support services, and professional caregiving assistance to ease financial burdens while providing optimal care. Save money, access benefits, and get tailored support for your loved one.
Learn how to balance caregiving and romance with practical tips for primary caregivers of seniors. Discover creative date night ideas and the benefits of respite care services from Senior Helpers Fairfield. Prioritize love while ensuring your loved one's well-being. Explore more about primary caregiver date nights today.
For over a year now, we have had the distinct privilege of collaborating with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to offer comprehensive home care companionship services to veterans across the entire state of Connecticut. The success of our initiative has been nothing short of remarkable.
Empower seniors in 2024 with strong social connections. Learn how family caregivers, aided by technology and Senior Helpers Fairfield services, promote well-being, combat isolation, and enhance mental and physical health. Elevate seniors' lives with vital social connections today.