The WHY Behind the Work
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” - Nelson Mandela
It was about three years ago when I decided my life needed to change. As an East County anesthesiologist taking cardiac and obstetrics call several times a week for the better part of 13 years, I came across a priority shift -- I needed to be a present father. My son was entering preschool and my daughter was just a newborn. I wanted to be present as they grew up and realized that the long hours spent at the hospital was time spent away from them and my wife. So, against the advice of friends, colleagues, and most internet searches, I treaded my path towards owning a business with my wife, Cassia and friend, Maureen.
Deciding start Senior Helpers while still practicing medicine took an act of hope.
Hope that eventually I would have more balance in my family life.
Hope that I would be able to tuck my children to bed every night.
Hope that I would meet their gaze without sleep deprived eyes.
Hope that I could attend all their events, large and small.
And most importantly -- yet with no guarantee, hope that they would remember their dad as one of the good ones.
Next month will mark the first real step in changing my 70+ hour work in the hospital. The growth of Senior Helpers has allowed me the chance to decrease my clinical hours and spend more time at home.
As a reminder as to why I do this (and perhaps why we all do this), I will be posting periodically The WHY Behind the Work. It will showcase our children: Benson (age 6, smart yet defiant), and Seneca (age 3, apple of my eye) as they grow into the best version of themselves –hopefully with my help.
Jesse Yi MD
Caregiver Mentor
Owner Senior Helpers East San Diego