Caregivers help encourage seniors' personal growth and development. Learn a few success strategies to support their senior loved ones.
Alzheimer's disease affects seniors worldwide. Learn some resources and strategies to support caregivers and seniors with Alzheimer's.
Eating the right foods can help maintain good vision. Learn some eye-healthy recipes to help you keep your eyes in great condition.
Proper care for eyeglasses and contact lenses is essential for optimal vision and eye health. Learn some tips on how to handle them.
The benefits of singing together can be profound. Explore the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical perks of joining a senior choir.
Explore ways for seniors to celebrate Social Wellness Month to help them engage, reconnect, and cultivate a sense of belonging.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month celebrates nature's wealth of goodness. Discover some easy-to-prepare seasonal produce recipes for seniors.
Brain games play a crucial role in maintaining cognitive health in seniors. Discover various stimulating brain games for seniors.
Addressing mental health symptoms can be a challenging task. Learn some steps to take to manage your SAD symptoms effectively.
Discover the mental health benefits of nature for seniors and some of the exciting outdoor activities that are accessible and enjoyable.
Living with Parkinson's disease can be challenging. Learn how to minimize the risks of frequent falls with Parkinson's.
Spring brings with it a spirit of renewal and rejuvenation. Learn the impact of practicing mindfulness on overall well-being.
Keep your loved ones safe and healthy. Learn how to identify, remove, and replace poisonous household items to create a safe environment.
Eating healthy can be challenging at any age, especially for solo seniors. Learn some simple, easy-to-adapt meal-planning strategies.
Discover the connection between dental care and heart health in seniors. Learn how oral health affects overall well-being.
Master efficient shopping with Senior Helpers Napa's blog offering smart grocery tips for caregivers. Make healthier and cost-effective choices today.
Senior Helpers of Napa was featured on Fox 40 News to talk about their "Valentine's Day Card Drive".
Discover helpful tips and strategies to create a safe and organized living space for seniors that promotes independence and boosts their morale.
Whether creating new recipes or tweaking beloved classics, adding beans and legumes boosts nutritional value and enhances your senior loved one's meals.
Spruce up the holidays for seniors who live alone with these DIY holiday decorating ideas that are enjoyable and safe for seniors to create on their own.
This holiday season, explore the impact of music on seniors' well-being and how caregivers can enhance their holiday experience through music.
Choosing the perfect gift for a loved one can often be a challenging task. Learn some gift ideas for seniors with different stages of dementia.
It is essential for caregivers to maintain their mental well-being. Find out how gratitude can improve their caregiving journey.
Read on as we provide practical advice for adult children on how to emotionally and practically support seniors who have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Equally important but often overlooked is the mental well-being of our elderly loved ones, specifically the prevalence of senior mood disorders. In this post, we provide helpful tips to support our loved ones during these challenging times.