Indulgent Treats for the Heart
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Indulgent Treats for the Heart

           With heart disease being the number one killer in the United States, many of us are thinking about ways that we can all take good care of our hearts. Maybe we make a resolution to get more exercise, lower our stress levels, and control our blood pressure, making sure to keep it within recommended levels. For most people, the first step is to examine our eating habits, and look at all the ways we can switch to a healthier diet. Many of us may do this and then experience the disappointment of learning we have to give up some of our “guilty favorites” when we create our meal plans for the week.

            But what about the snacks we enjoy? Even if we take great pains and care to plan an entire week of heart healthy, nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, when we’re in the mood to snack we find ourselves less likely to consider the healthiness of that treat. Many snack foods are low in nutrients, and high in ingredients bad for our hearts, such as salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats. But, in a stroke of luck, there are some common snack foods that cardiologists have given the thumbs up to, so consider reaching for these when you’ve got a snack craving.

            Guacamole: While many people may, at first glance, think this Mexican favorite needs to be avoided because of the high value of calories and fat, the truth is quite the opposite. The fats contained in avocados are of the healthy type. The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has reported that the oils in avocados actually lower cholesterol, and certain other fats that may lead to stroke or heart attack. The study author even commented that avocado oil could be referred to as the olive oil of the Americas. Make sure to use fresh avocados when making guacamole, and add little to no salt. Add chopped tomatoes and enjoy it with baked tortilla chips made with whole grains.

            Popcorn: The preferred snack of the movie theater. While the butter and salt they add at the cinema makes popcorn a treat to be enjoyed sparingly, popcorn made at home can actually be a quite healthy treat. By popping your popcorn in an air popper instead of in oil, and forgoing the use of butter, salt, sugar, or other additives, you can transform popcorn into a nutritious treat that is rich in heart healthy antioxidants. Popcorn may be the perfect snack food, as it is made of 100 percent unprocessed whole grain.

            Chocolate: Great news for you chocoholics. Chocolate is rich in flavonoids, which is the same compound that gives plants their vibrant colors. Flavonoids also reduce cellular damage, lower bad cholesterol, and prevent the formation of harmful deposits in the arteries. Reach for dark chocolate, with a cocoa content of 60% or higher. The darker the chocolate, the more the antioxidants it contains. Keep moderation in mind, as too many sweet treats can raise your body weight, which in turn will raise your blood pressure.