How to Set Aside Extra Time During the Holidays for Long Phone Calls
Many relatives, especially senior loved ones, can be a big blessing. They can be a source of joy as they strive to reach out to their family members through phone calls. However, these calls can be time-consuming, especially with a tight schedule to attend to other duties. In most cases, seniors have many things to discuss, and a single phone call may consume a lot of time.
While it is important to avoid long phone calls, people should consider how others may feel if they end the calls unexpectedly. This is why setting aside extra time for long phone calls is important during the holidays. Here are several ways to manage calls and avoid spending a lot of time on the phone talking to senior loved ones.
Setting Specific Windows of Time Aside
Before starting a phone conversation with a senior loved one, it is important to draw their attention to the amount of time pre-determined for the phone call. This depends on the point of discussion and any issues that may arise during the conversation. For instance, a call can take about 20 minutes or even half an hour, depending on what is being discussed. Once the pre-determined time is over, the recipient can draw the caller's attention, reminding them of the earlier set time. This way, the caller won't feel offended because they already know how long the call will take.
Be Cautious During the Conversation
The flow of conversation may determine how soon a phone call ends or how long it takes. Some people often bring up a fresh conversation along the way. If the call moves to a new topic, there will likely be an extension of the time spent on the call. A call recipient should avoid asking more questions if they want the call to end faster. They can focus on the conversation and the points being raised by the caller without questioning or bringing up new ideas because this will likely extend the phone call.
Set Up a Future Call with the Senior
Talking to a senior loved one is not a one-time thing. They may call over and over again and, sometime, talk about the same thing for a long time. It is important to assure them of subsequent calls in the future to allow the conversation to end more quickly. Assure the senior that there is still more room for future talks to cover all the remaining discussion points. The recipient should assure the caller of a call a week or two from the last time they spoke.
Return Their Call As Soon As Possible
When senior loved ones call, and the recipient doesn't have time to talk, they can avoid answering the call but ensure they call back later. The recipient can take a few moments or hours but should ensure that they return the call so that the senior doesn't think they are being avoided. Once the recipient returns the call, they should explain why they could not answer it. Maybe, the recipient was working on a project, at the gym, or finishing homework. It is also important for the recipient to mention that they are sorry for the missed call.
Seeking Further Assistance for Senior Loved Ones
Sometimes, a senior loved one may have many challenges, so they keep calling, seeking support and attention. Follow these tips so you can set aside extra time during the holidays for long phone calls.
If a senior loved one is facing various health challenges and requires care, Senior Helpers Fresno can help care for a senior loved one. We offer a wide range of services for seniors in Fresno, Clovis, Hanford, Visalia, and Tulare that can improve their overall health and well-being. Contact us today to speak to our in-home care professionals.