Hydration & Nutrition: Roy was dehydrated and undernourished. Now, his caregiver prepares breakfast and lunch, reminds and encourages him to drink plenty of fluids, and he receives Meals on Wheels for dinner.
Activities of Daily Living: Roy didn’t have the energy to do tasks around the home and take care of himself. Now, his caregiver does household chores such as light housekeeping and laundry, so he has more energy for things like brushing his teeth and bathing.
Quality of Life: Roy is now able to get out of the house more often with the assistance of his caregiver. They grocery shop, go to his doctor’s appointments, and attend veterans’ events. The improvement in quality of life decreases Roy’s risk of depression, improves his mobility and cognitive status, and lessens the burden and burnout for his daughter.
“I’ve done a lot of things in my life,” said James, a combat war veteran, “But whenever you can make a positive impact on someone’s life, there is no dollar amount that can replace that for me.”