What to Do When Holiday Stress Affects Senior Loved Ones
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What to Do When Holiday Stress Affects Senior Loved Ones

Seniors often look forward to the holiday season. It’s a time traditionally filled with family gatherings, delectable food, and festive activities. However, this period can also bring considerable stress levels, particularly for seniors experiencing changes in their capabilities. 

Whether it's managing or hosting holiday dinners, driving through heavy holiday traffic, or navigating the general hustle and bustle, the holidays can sometimes feel overwhelming. With practical strategies to alleviate the effects of holiday stress on seniors, family caregivers can become a guiding hand. 

Understand the Effects of Holiday Stress on Seniors

The effects of holiday stress can manifest in several ways, both emotionally and physically. Seniors may show signs of fatigue, irritation, anxiety, or lack of interest in activities they typically enjoy. They may also display physical symptoms like headaches, trouble sleeping, or change in appetite. Noticing these signs early and acknowledging their possible connection to holiday stress is a crucial first step toward finding a solution.

Common Sources of Holiday Stress for Seniors

Numerous factors can contribute to stress among seniors during the holidays. For some, having to manage or host a family dinner may be daunting. This is especially true when their mobility or energy levels aren't what they used to be. Others may struggle with driving in heavy holiday traffic due to deteriorating eyesight or slower reflexes. The holiday preparations and activities, too, can become overwhelming. Older adults may no longer be as adept at multitasking as before. Furthermore, the holidays can also trigger feelings of loneliness or sadness, particularly for those who have lost loved ones or are far from their families.

Practical Ways to Help Seniors Cope with Holiday Stress

To mitigate the effects of holiday stress for your senior loved ones, consider offering assistance in holiday preparations. You could lend a hand in shopping for gifts or take charge of decorating the house. This ensures they feel part of the festivities without the physical strain. Providing support for holiday dinners, from cooking meals to setting up the dining area, can also ease their load. 

Beyond these, ensuring their safety when driving during the holiday season is paramount. You could accompany them on their trips or schedule transportation services for smoother, safer journeys. Spending quality time with them can be the most effective stress reliever. Engage them in holiday activities or simply sit with them for a cup of hot cocoa. Regular visits or phone calls can make a significant difference in alleviating feelings of loneliness or sadness.

When to Seek Professional Help

Although family support is invaluable, there may come a time when professional help is necessary. If your senior loved one shows signs of persistent stress or their ability to perform daily tasks declines significantly, it may be time to consider a professional caregiver. 

Get Support From Senior Helpers Salem, OR

The holiday season should be a time of joy and togetherness for everyone, including our senior loved ones. While the effects of holiday stress may pose challenges, identifying its sources and implementing practical solutions can make a significant difference.

If you’re in Salem, Dallas, Keizer, Albany, or Corvallis and need professional assistance caring for your senior loved one, contact us at Senior Helpers Salem, OR. We offer in-home care services tailored to your senior’s needs and preferences.