Managing Medications During Cold & Flu Season
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Managing Medications During Cold & Flu Season

Managing medications becomes an even more critical task for seniors as the chill of winter approaches. Along with the typical challenges of juggling multiple medications, seniors face the added layer of combating seasonal illnesses during cold and flu season. It is important to note that this Senior Helpers blog post does not offer medical advice. It instead offers a guide on how seniors can safely manage their medications during this challenging season.

Common Concerns for Seniors During Cold & Flu Season

It can often be confusing to distinguish between common cold and flu symptoms and the potential side effects of medications. This distinction is crucial as it serves as a guide for the appropriate response and treatment. Furthermore, the complication of multiple medication usage presents another risk. With a multitude of pills prescribed for various health conditions, it is not uncommon for seniors to use several drugs simultaneously. Adding over-the-counter cold and flu remedies to this mix could lead to unexpected interactions, making it essential to approach new treatments cautiously.

Tips for Safely Managing Medications

There are several things seniors can do to simplify their medication management and avoid potential complications. Here are a few to consider:

1. Maintain a Medication List

One of the easiest yet most effective ways to manage medication this season is to maintain an updated list of all medications you take. This list should include prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, and any daily supplements you might be taking. This list can be invaluable, especially in a medical emergency. It is essential that your healthcare provider, as well as close family members or caregivers, have access to the medication list.

2. Communicate With Healthcare Providers

Direct and clear communication with healthcare providers is fundamental in effectively managing medications. Inform them about all the medicines you are taking. Make sure to include anything new you have started recently. Don't hesitate to ask questions about potential side effects or whether a new medication may impact your current regimen. Your health provider is the best resource to provide personalized advice that caters to your specific health condition and needs.

3. Store Medicines in the Proper Location

Where and how you store your medication can make a difference in how well it works. Because many medications are affected by moisture, light, and air, storing them safely in a cool, dry area is smart. Bathroom cabinets are not usually the best choice because of the heat and moisture from showers and baths. Storing medications in a dresser drawer or storage box on a high shelf is better for maintaining drug potency and keeping them out of the hands of young children. 

4. Seek Advice Before Taking Over-The-Counter Drugs

Always seek professional advice before starting any new over-the-counter treatments. Even seemingly harmless over-the-counter drugs can interact negatively with your current medications. Your healthcare provider or pharmacist can answer your questions and offer advice on the best medications for your needs. They have the knowledge to guide you to safer alternatives if necessary, making sure your well-being is prioritized.

Senior Helpers Can Help Manage Medications

Senior Helpers offers comprehensive, in-home senior care services with a professional team dedicated to providing superior services to seniors in our community. If you live in North Las Vegas, Aliante, Las Vegas, or Nellis Air Force Base, don't hesitate to contact us today at Senior Helpers North Las Vegas. We are happy to be a part of your support system this cold and flu season.