Preventing Falls in Parkinson's: Tips for Seniors & Caregiver
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How to Handle Frequent Falls With Parkinson's

Parkinson's disease is a challenging condition that affects many seniors, creating a variety of difficulties in their daily lives. One significant and potentially dangerous issue these individuals may face is frequent falls. This issue becomes particularly concerning as seniors age, especially if they live alone. However, there are effective ways to mitigate this risk. This article discusses how Parkinson's can increase the occurrence of falls and how to create a safer environment that reduces this risk. We offer valuable insights and practical tips on managing and preventing falls when dealing with Parkinson's disease.

Parkinson's and Frequent Falls

Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative disorder, can lead to a range of motor symptoms, such as tremors, slow movement, and balance issues. Subsequently, these symptoms could increase the risk of falls dramatically. As seniors grow older, their balance, strength, and coordination naturally decrease, exacerbating the problem. A simple fall can become a major health crisis for those living alone due to the lack of immediate assistance.

Minimizing the Risk of Falls

One way to combat frequent falls is regular exercise and physical therapy. These activities can help improve balance and strengthen muscles. Workouts such as tai chi, yoga, or simple strength-building exercises tailored to individual abilities benefit. It's essential to consult a healthcare provider or physical therapist to identify the most suitable exercises. Additionally, the proper medication regime can control Parkinson's symptoms effectively, minimizing the chance of falls. However, some medications may cause dizziness or confusion, which could increase the risk of falls. Regular reviews of the medication plan with a healthcare professional are therefore advisable.

Setting Up a Safe Home Environment

Creating a safer home environment can dramatically reduce the risk of falls:

  • Remove floor clutter to prevent falls.
  • Good lighting prevents tripping hazards.
  • Installing supports such as grab bars in strategic places like the bathroom.
  • Handheld shower heads and sturdy shower benches or chairs also provide safety.
  • Railings on both sides of the stairs can provide added stability. 
  • Furniture arrangements should allow for clear walking paths.
  • It's also worth considering using assistive devices like a cane, walker, or wheelchair for safer mobility.

How Senior Helpers Can Help

Senior Helpers offers dedicated Parkinson's Care services for seniors, which can be pivotal in managing these challenges. Our experienced caregivers know fall prevention strategies and the specific needs of those with Parkinson's disease. They can assist with exercises, ensure seniors take their medication as prescribed, and help set up a safer home environment to prevent falls. A professional caregiver offers a critical safety net for seniors living alone, turning a potential crisis into a manageable situation.

Understanding the connection between Parkinson's and frequent falls is the first step towards managing this problem effectively. Regular exercise, a safe home environment, and appropriate care can significantly reduce the risk. If you reside in St. Louis City, Webster Groves, Richmond Heights, Crestwood, or Oakville, we encourage you to contact us at Senior Helpers Webster Groves. We would love to discuss our services for seniors and their caregivers, such as Chronic Disease Care and Respite Care.