6 Signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder for Seniors
Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, can be a serious issue. It's a type of depression that typically appears after the holiday season, and it's important to be able to recognize the symptoms of SAD in seniors before things get too bad. That being said, let's dive into the signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder in seniors.
Changes in Mood
Mood swings are normal for most people, but it becomes a problem when someone has more than usual. Bouncing between happy, angry, and sad consistently should be a red flag. These mood changes may also include feelings of worthlessness that reassurance may not help.
Changes in Sleeping Patterns
Another sign of SAD in seniors is a change in their sleeping patterns. If your loved one is sleeping more or less than usual, you may need to talk to them about the possibility of having Seasonal Affective Disorder and what steps should be taken to address it.
Poor Hygiene
Taking care of oneself is essential in everyday life, so when someone becomes depressed and stops taking good care of themselves it can turn into a big problem fast. Poor hygiene is a big red flag when it comes to mental health. Try to make sure your elderly loved one in Lake Forest or Chicago is taking proper care of themselves daily before it starts affecting their physical health too.
Loss of Energy
When someone is depressed, it can feel like they don't have enough energy to do the things they'd normally do, no matter how much sleep they're getting. This loss of energy can cause someone to lose interest in their hobbies, friends, and anything else they may enjoy.
Changes in Appetite and Weight
Some people with SAD experience a loss or increase in appetite. This typically leads to a change in weight, such as weight gain or weight loss. Both of these changes can lead to more health issues if it goes on for too long.
Issues with Concentration
If your elderly loved one in Des Plaines, Chicago, or Lake Forest is experiencing SAD, they may have issues with concentrating on tasks. Everyone has days when they're easily distracted, but it's unusual for people to experience constant issues with concentration. Everyday tasks can be forgotten about or left halfway done when a person has poor concentration. It becomes difficult to follow through on important tasks.
What to Do When Your Loved One Has Seasonal Affective Disorder
When your elderly loved one is showing signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder, talk to them right away. You may want to talk to a doctor as well to come up with a treatment plan. SAD can be serious, and it's important to find help right away so your loved one can start feeling better.
Combat the Winter Blues with Senior Helpers
Senior Helpers in Des Plaines can provide in-home care for you or your elderly loved one. We're happy to become trusted companions who help with everyday tasks and hobbies. If you require care at home in Des Plaines, Chicago, or Lake Forest, contact us today.