2023 Guidelines to Drinking Alcohol for Seniors: Physical, Mental, Social, and Medical Considerations
Drinking alcohol is a personal choice and can be done responsibly in moderation. Knowing how to drink alcohol safely is especially important for seniors, whose bodies tend to process alcoholic beverages differently than younger adults. Heavy drinking may also cause medical complications and place one at risk for falls, liver disease, dehydration, and harmful interactions with medication.
Physical Considerations
As individuals age, their height, weight, and metabolic rate tend to decrease naturally. This means that seniors' bodies will process alcohol differently from younger adults. Combined, this means that alcohol will stay in your body longer and the level of alcohol in your body is higher. This may mean drinking has increased effects on your body. Alcohol dehydrates the human body; be sure to stay well-hydrated if you do choose to drink alcohol. In addition to the nutritional effects, drinking may lead to risky situations for seniors. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can cause dizziness and disorientation, making injury from falling more likely.
For healthy individuals over 65, doctors recommend no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women.
Mental Considerations
Alcohol can also have negative effects on senior citizens' mental processes. Heavy drinking can interfere with problem-solving, understanding verbal instructions, and the normal process of thinking. Research suggests that drinking too much alcohol in one sitting or over the long term can lead to memory lapses or intense and negative emotions, such as clinical depression or anxiety attacks. These dangers of excessive drinking are heightened for seniors who are already at risk of depression or other mental health issues.
Social Considerations
Heavy alcohol consumption can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness that often increase with age. In some cases, this may lead to isolation from family and friends. Being smart and moderate in your drinking will help avoid these scenarios.
And of course, don't drive while under the influence of any drug, including alcohol.
Medical Considerations
Over time, excessive drinking can cause liver damage that may lead to serious health risks. This type of liver damage increases a person's risk for cancer and lower life expectancy rates. Senior citizens should regulate their intake of alcoholic beverages according to health guidelines and consult with a medical professional if they have any concerns about potential risks associated with drinking too much alcohol.
Furthermore, interactions between certain medications and even certain food items with alcohol can be dangerous or fatal if used together. This is especially true for senior citizens as they often take multiple prescriptions daily. While it may still be safe to have a drink, seniors must ask their doctor how any prescription drugs might interact with alcohol before consuming either substance.
Senior Helpers Offers Personalized Caregiving Services
Seniors can take part in moderate alcohol intake with greater safety when they are aware of guidelines and potential risks associated with drinking. By following these suggestions on drinking responsibly, senior citizens can enjoy their favorite adult beverage safely and without risking their health or well-being. If you want to learn about personal caregiving services that can make life easier, contact Senior Helpers Sacramento East today! We proudly provide personalized caregiving services for seniors in and around the Sacramento area.