Learn how chronic illnesses impact emotional wellness in seniors. Find strategies for coping and resources for support and self-care.
Discover healthy autumn foods for seniors to boost overall wellness. Learn about the benefits of seasonal produce and how to create nutritious meals.
When defining objectives in the realm of senior care, two of the most paramount ones are ensuring a high quality of life and swift and complete recoveries from any surgeries that may be necessary. To this end, there is a concept known as “prehabilitation”, or, “prehab” for short, which has attracted a lot of attention for the potential it has to significantly improve surgical outcomes for seniors. But of course, it is necessary for you to know exactly what prehab is, and how it can be of benefit to older adults.
If you’re caring for a family member who is suffering from COPD, you are no doubt familiar with all the symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. As a caregiver and a loved one, your goal is no doubt to help the person have the best possible quality of life despite their living with COPD. While there is currently no cure for COPD available, it is treatable and there are things you can do to help.
Learn how to address situations when elderly parents in Mesa, AZ refuse help. Discover strategies to introduce in-home care and maintain their independence safely at home.
Discover how staying active with your grandchildren in Mesa, AZ can help grandparents live longer and healthier lives. Learn about fun, low-impact activities for seniors.
Learn how to plan for the future as a solo ager in Mesa, AZ. Explore financial planning, healthcare, housing options, and legal considerations to ensure a fulfilling aging experience.
Discover the benefits of Tai Chi for older adults. This caregiver's guide offers practical tips for integrating Tai Chi into senior care.
Learn how to identify fall hazards and reduce fall risks for your senior loved ones with practical tips to help keep them safe and healthy at home.
Learn how to spot signs of vitamin deficiency in Mesa, AZ. Discover how fatigue, poor memory, and urinary issues may indicate a lack of essential nutrients in your diet.
As adults age, maintaining both an active and socially engaged lifestyle is very important for both physical and mental well-being. For seniors, being more active can help to lower or manage blood pressure and improve circulation, keep weight under control, boost good cholesterol, and prevent or slow osteoporosis.
Listening is a skill that requires more than simply hearing. For medical providers and those who provide care for seniors, listening to those you care for is critical to their ongoing health and wellness. But as said before, listening is more than just hearing someone.
Learn how to choose the right cane for seniors in Mesa, AZ to improve mobility and prevent falls. Explore the benefits of different types of canes and mobility aids.
Learn about often-overlooked safety factors for seniors aging in place in Mesa, AZ. Discover proactive steps to ensure a safe and comfortable home environment for elderly loved ones.
Proper eye care is crucial for seniors with diabetes. Learn about diabetic eye care and tips to help maintain good vision and overall eye health.
Regular eye exams are important for seniors to maintain good vision and detect any eye conditions early. Learn why seniors should get regular eye exams.
Seniors can plan a budget-friendly family reunion with these helpful tips and ideas. Learn how to create memorable experiences without breaking the bank.
Learn the best ways to wear sun-protective clothing without overheating, so you can be protected from the sun while staying cool and comfortable.
Discover enjoyable summer activities for seniors and families in Mesa, AZ. From ice cream outings to beach trips and movie nights, find the perfect bonding experiences this season.
Learn effective strategies to overcome communication barriers with the elderly in Mesa, AZ. Understand how to address hearing loss, medical conditions, and generational language differences.
As our loved ones age and navigate the process of growing older, with all its ups and downs and many changes, some welcome and some not, and some expected and some coming out of seemingly nowhere, many seniors find comfort and normalcy in retaining as much of their independence as possible, including continuing to live in the home they’ve been residing in for many years
A sobering fact that you may not be aware of is that every 40 seconds in the United States of America, someone has a stroke. Strokes are the most common cause of long-term disability, and the fifth leading cause of death.
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common types of dementia, and it now affects more than seven million Americans today. While it is most prevalent in people aged 65 or older, it can sometimes also strike people in their 30s and 40s.
When you have a family member who is afflicted with cancer, striking up a conversation with them about it can be an awkward proposition, and you may find that although you want to have the conversation, you may find that you have nothing that you can think to say.
Elevate Alzheimer's care with music therapy. Explore the benefits for seniors and how it can improve their cognitive functions and emotional health.