How to Help Seniors Prepare for Emergencies
Not long ago, the Houston area was devastated by Hurricane Harvey. Even more recently, Houston residents experienced a close call as Hurricane Laura made landfall. We’ve learned firsthand that seniors in Central Houston need to prepare for emergencies. It’s important to acknowledge that seniors may need to take extra precautions as they age in place, especially if they have special health or medically-related needs that require additional supplies.
Here are six ways to help seniors prepare for any emergency that might arise.
Determine Which Disasters You Are Most Likely to Face
The first step to creating an emergency preparedness plan is to figure out which disasters you are most likely to face. Is your local area likely to experience flooding? Hurricanes? Tornadoes? Prepare for those emergencies first and secure appropriate supplies to prepare for those specific events.
Prepare An Emergency Escape Plan
If your home is devastated by a natural disaster, be sure to have an escape plan for where you can go to stay safe. Whether you stay at a local shelter or you go to a family member or friend's home, have a plan ready before you need it. It will take a lot of panic out of an already stressful and uncertain situation if you have an emergency plan dictating where to go.
Set an Emergency Radio To Your Local Station
Be sure to have an emergency radio complete with extra batteries and tune it to your local weather channel. This ensures that you can listen to weather updates if you lose power. Download the FEMA app to get weather alerts and updates right to your phone or another mobile device.
Create a Support Network Around You
Get support from those around you to help prepare for possible emergencies. Share your plan with them and practice what you will do if an emergency occurs in your area. Provide someone you trust, like a family member or close friend, with a key to your home. That way, they can check on you if an emergency or disaster strikes your area. Show them the medications you need each day and where you keep emergency supplies.
Prepare Emergency Supplies
Natural disasters can contaminate drinking water or make it unsafe to leave your home to purchase food. You may not have the power to heat food or cook meals for anywhere from several days to a few weeks after a natural disaster. Be sure to have enough food and bottled water on-hand for at least three days to a week after a disaster.
Prepare a Pet Emergency Kit
Be sure to have drinking water, food, and basic supplies on-hand for any pets that you have in case of an emergency. Pets are part of your family and will need some basic supplies to survive as well.
These tips are a great start for seniors in Central Houston to consider when preparing for a natural disaster such as flooding, tornadoes, or even hurricanes. Preparing for an emergency before it happens can help keep seniors safe and help save lives.
At Senior Helpers in Central Houston, safety is our top priority. We bring companionship and around the clock care to seniors throughout Houston and Harris County. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.