4 Strategies to Avoid Stress When Your Home Is Crowded During the Holidays
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4 Strategies to Avoid Stress When Your Home Is Crowded During the Holidays

During the holidays, your home may be overflowing with people in a way that it simply isn't at any other time of the year. Many of them may come to stay with you. For some seniors in the Dallas area, that extra group of people can prove incredibly stressful, especially with all the extra cooking, cleaning, and social interaction that it brings along with it.

Are you anticipating a crowded home in Plano or the surrounding area this holiday season? Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help alleviate some of the stress.

1. Arrange for Professional Help Before Guests Arrive

Do you dread changing the sheets on all the guest room beds before guests arrive? Do you need some help chasing the dust bunnies out of the corners and making sure that your home looks its best? Bring in professional cleaners ahead of time. In Addison and Highland Park, not to mention the greater Dallas area, you can easily find professional cleaning services to come in and take care of even deep cleaning tasks. Make sure you book early to help ensure availability. You can also bring in professional landscaping services to help tidy up outside the home if needed, or winterizing tasks that need to be handled before your family arrives.

2. Be Clear About What You Can Do (And Schedule Time for Rest)

During the holidays, it's easy to fill your life with activities. You have food to cook, gifts to buy, and family members to socialize with that you may not see the rest of the year. Before you know it, you can end up overwhelmed. Be clear about what you can and can't do, and schedule time for rest in your schedule. The rest of your family will appreciate the chance to slow down once in a while, too. Make sure you also keep up with many of your regular routines where possible, including your exercise routine.

3. Ask For Help From Family Members

As you age, you may find that you no longer have the energy to put out a full Thanksgiving spread or to handle all of the Christmas baking on your own. You might find it more difficult to wrap all of your own presents, especially if you have arthritis or other conditions that interfere with mobility. When needed, ask for help from family members! Set up a potluck meal, ask family members to host gatherings that you no longer feel able to host, or conscript a child or grandchild to help with wrapping gifts. By working together, you'll find that the whole family can enjoy more of the holiday season.

4. Make Sure You Have Help Lined Up for After the Holidays

When the family leaves, make sure you have plans for how you will handle the cleanup. When a big family descends on your home, they can leave a mess in their aftermath, even when they don't intend to. Arranging for cleaning services or help from a family member can help make the holiday season easier.

The holiday season can prove very stressful, especially when your home is packed full. However, with these strategies, you may find it easier to decrease your overall stress. Need more help with your regular care tasks? Senior Helpers of Greater Dallas can help with transitional care, personal care, and a variety of other essential tasks in the Richardson or Lakewood area. Contact us today to learn more.