Keeping Summer Bugs and Insects Away From Home
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Keeping Summer Bugs and Insects Away From Home

Summer is a delightful time for enjoying the outdoors, relishing in the lovely weather and savoring those long, pleasant evenings. However, for many of us, summer also brings with it a less welcome aspect: the invasion of insects and bugs into our homes. Not only are these tiny creatures a nuisance, but for families caring for senior loved ones, they can pose serious health risks, especially for those with allergies or sensitivities. 

The Problem With Bugs

Keeping our senior loved ones safe and comfortable during the summer months involves more than just providing a cool indoor environment. It also requires ensuring that our homes remain free from those unwanted summer bugs. Certain pests, like mosquitoes and flies, can cause health issues and considerable discomfort, especially for seniors with allergies.

Avoiding Bugs Indoors

When it comes to indoor preventative measures, cleanliness is key. A clean home is less attractive to bugs such as ants, flies and spiders. Regularly taking out the trash, avoiding leaving food scraps around and promptly cleaning up any spills can go a long way in deterring these pests. It's also a good idea to conduct regular home maintenance to seal any potential entry points for bugs. However, when considering repellents, it's crucial to think about their impact on senior health. Natural alternatives to chemical repellents, like essential oils or vinegar, can be used safely around seniors without causing irritation or allergies.

Decreasing Bug Problems Outside

Now let's venture outdoors. Similar to the indoors, maintaining an orderly and clean yard can help deter pests. Regularly mowing the lawn, pruning plants and removing dead leaves are all part of this process. Standing water is a notorious breeding ground for mosquitoes. So, ensure you empty out containers, bird baths or any other spots where water can collect. Additionally, certain plants like lavender, rosemary and marigolds are known for their bug-repelling properties and can make a lovely addition to your yard.

While considering all these precautions, it's important to keep in mind the unique needs of seniors. Not all bug repellents on the market are senior-friendly. Many contain harsh chemicals that can cause allergic reactions or sensitivities. Opting for natural repellents and remedies can be a wiser choice. This not only ensures a bug-free environment but also prioritizes senior health. Regular home inspections can help detect and address any bug issues early, thus providing a better living space for our beloved seniors. While summer brings its fair share of bugs and insects, there are many preventive measures we can take to create a comfortable, bug-free environment for our seniors. 

Get More Help Maintaining a Comfortable Life for Your Senior Loved One

If you or your loved one live in Warwick, Providence, Woonsocket or Coventry and need further assistance or information to provide the highest possible standard of care for your senior loved one, Senior Helpers Rhode Island is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our in-home care services, including how we can help clean up your senior’s home and avoid bugs indoors.