How to Maintain Healthy Eyesight with Limited Screen Time
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How to Maintain Healthy Eyesight with Limited Screen Time

Maintaining visual acuity becomes more than just a necessity as we get older. It's a priority. This is especially true in today's world where screens are an integral part of our daily lives. From catching up on the latest news on our smartphones and video calling loved ones to watching our favorite TV shows, screen time is virtually unavoidable. However, excessive screen use can take more of a toll on our eyes than we may realize. Learning how to maintain healthy eyesight is more vital than ever.

Understand the Risks

Screen time increases the chances of experiencing digital eye strain, especially when prolonged. This condition might manifest as blurred vision, dry eyes, headaches, or neck and shoulder pain. The effects can be exacerbated for seniors due to age-related vision problems like macular degeneration and presbyopia. It's important to understand these risks because being forewarned is being forearmed.

Take Regular Screen Breaks

Even though screens are an integral part of our lives, taking regular breaks can significantly lower the risk of eye strain. The 20-20-20 rule is a good practice. Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen and gaze at an object 20 feet away, for at least 20 seconds. This pause gives your eyes a much-needed break from the bright screen light.

Adjust Your Display Settings

Display settings also play a crucial role in comfortable screen use. Adjusting your device's brightness and contrast settings to match the surrounding light conditions can lessen the strain on your eyes. Likewise, increasing the text size or altering the color can make reading more comfortable for aging eyes.

Practice Posture

Posture isn't just for a yoga class. It plays a role in healthy screen use too! Keeping the screen level with your eyes and maintaining an arm's length distance can dramatically reduce neck and shoulder strain. It's also easier on the eyes.

Try Blinking Exercises

Don't forget the power of a good stretch for your eyes. Blinking exercises can help combat dryness. Focusing exercises can strengthen your eye muscles. Simple practices like consciously blinking more often when using a screen or alternating your gaze between far and near objects can work wonders.

Learn Other Ways to Maintain Healthy Eyesight

While limiting screen time and adjusting your habits are a great place to start, other factors contribute to eye health too. Regular check-ups are essential to catch any potential eye issues early on. Including eye-friendly foods rich in vitamins A and E, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet can also encourage good eye health. There’s also physical activity. A light, regular exercise routine can enhance overall health. This, in turn, benefits your eyes. Just remember to consult your health professional before starting a new exercise routine.

Work With Senior Helpers Cherry Hill

Taking care of your eyes might seem daunting, especially for seniors. By understanding the risks and implementing certain practical tips, you can maintain healthy eyesight well into your golden years.

If you're a senior living in Cherry Hill, Haddonfield, Marlton, Mt Laurel, or Maple Shade, and you need help with in-home care, don't hesitate to contact us. At Senior Helpers Cherry Hill, we're committed to ensuring your senior years are healthy and happy, one day at a time.