Knowing the Warning Signs of Undiagnosed Diabetes in Elderly People
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Knowing the Warning Signs of Undiagnosed Diabetes in Elderly People

Type 2 diabetes affects approximately 30% of people over the age of 65, according to the ADA. Some people are more at risk than others for diabetes, so it's important to understand risk factors and early symptoms. Diabetes can be managed through lifestyle and medication; the earlier you catch it, the better.

A caregiver should always be on the lookout for the early warning signs of diabetes. 

How Is Diabetes Diagnosed?

Diabetes is easily detected via a simple blood test. Your physician can diagnose not only diabetes but also pre-diabetes. This blood test is simple, and you will have results quickly.

When Should You Test For Diabetes?

The American Diabetes Association recommends that individuals over 45 be tested every three years. However, if there are other risk factors, such as family history, obesity, etc., testing is recommended yearly. Of course, if you or your loved one is experiencing warning signs of diabetes, then you should make an appointment to be tested right away.

What Are The Early Warning Signs?

Symptoms of diabetes aren't always easy to spot, and if you are a caregiver or family member of an elderly loved one, it is essential to pay attention to the sometimes subtle signs. Self-reporting symptoms may not happen because they aren't always severe and can be written off as just being tired and feeling under the weather or as other signs of aging.

Some common warning signs to look out for include:

  • Weight loss without dieting or exercise. If you notice unexplained weight loss, it could be a symptom of diabetes or other ailment and warrants testing and notifying your physician.
  • Increased thirst and urinary output. If you or someone you care for finds themselves unusually thirsty or notices an increase in trips to the restroom, it could be an early warning sign. 
  • Feeling increased fatigue. This is one symptom that often goes unnoticed or unreported but should be considered. If you or your elderly loved one is experiencing fatigue that isn't normal, contact your physician.
  • Cuts that heal slowly. Here's another symptom written off as "just getting older," but it is also an early warning sign for diabetes. If you have a cut or wound that isn't healing as fast as it should, get it checked out.
  • Dizziness. It's not normal to experience dizziness or fainting at any age, so be sure to report this symptom to a physician or caregiver.
  • Increased appetite. Are you suddenly craving more food, particularly sugary foods, and not feeling satisfied? This is a common symptom of diabetes.  
  • Dry mouth and chapped lips. When combined with other symptoms, this condition warrants an evaluation.

The early warning signs may not seem like a cause for concern. It's easy to overlook these symptoms, but it is important to watch them as they are all early warning signs for diabetes.

Living With Diabetes

While a diagnosis of diabetes or pre-diabetes might be alarming, it's vital to know that this illness can be managed through lifestyle shifts and, if necessary, medication. Some common changes after a diagnosis may include eating more whole grains, vegetables, and lean meats and reducing refined sugars, sodas, and processed foods. On a positive note, lifestyle changes to manage your diabetes can also help you have more energy and better health overall.

Caregivers are an essential part of your elderly loved one's care team. In-home care helps with healthy meal preparation, housekeeping, errands, transportation to and from appointments, and companionship. 

Seniors living in the Northern Mississippi cities and towns of Byhalia, Coldwater, Hernando, Holly Springs, and other towns have access to caregivers through Senior Helpers. This includes Horn Lake, Olive Branch, Southaven, and Oxford. To learn more about how in-home caregiving can help, contact us today.