Home Improvements: How to Prevent Slips and Falls From Rain, Snow, and Ice This Winter
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Home Improvements: How to Prevent Slips and Falls From Rain, Snow, and Ice This Winter

According to the CDC, one in four adults aged 65 years or older falls annually. Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries for seniors. In fact, falls account for 87% of bone fractures in people over the age of 65. As we age, our risk for falling increases due to factors like muscle weakness, poor eyesight, and medications that can cause dizziness or drowsiness.

Unfortunately, cold weather brings with it an increased risk for slips and falls on ice and snow. To prevent your loved one from becoming a statistic, there are some home improvements you can make to create a safer environment and reduce the risks posed by winter weather.

Let's get started.

Install Handrails and Grab Bars

Installing handrails and grab bars in strategic locations around your home is a good way to prevent slips and falls. Handrails should be installed on both sides of all staircases, both inside and outside the home. Grab bars can be placed near toilets, in showers, and near any other location where your loved one may need extra support.

Keep Driveways and Walkways Clear of Ice and Snow

One of the best ways to prevent slips and falls this winter is to ensure that all walkways are clear of potential hazards like ice or snow. Snow can quickly build up on driveways and sidewalks, so shoveling or plowing them as soon as possible is important. You should also apply salt or sand to any icy patches to help create traction. If you cannot clear the walkways yourself, hire a professional snow removal service to do it for you.

Improve Lighting Both Inside and Outside of the Home

Poor lighting is one of the leading causes of falls among seniors. To create a safer environment in your home, open curtains during the day to let in natural light and replace any burned-out bulbs promptly. You should also consider installing nightlights in hallways and bathrooms, so there's always enough light to see where they are going—even in the middle of the night. Additionally, you can also install motion sensors that will turn on the lights automatically when someone walks by.

Remove Tripping Hazards

Take a look around the house and remove anything that could potentially cause your loved one to trip and fall— electrical cords that are not properly secured, loose rugs or carpets, etc. If your loved one uses a walker or cane, clear a path so they can move around freely without having to worry about tripping over something.


We all want our senior loved ones to be safe and happy at all times. By taking some simple precautions as highlighted above, you can help prevent slips and falls this winter and keep your loved one safe all season long.

If you are looking for additional support in caring for your senior loved one this winter, our team at Senior Helpers Frederick can help! We offer in-home senior care services in Frederick, Hagerstown, Thurmont, and Middletown, tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual client. Contact Senior Helpers Frederick today to learn more.