4 Top Concerns of Family Caregivers (And What to Do About Them)
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4 Top Concerns of Family Caregivers (And What to Do About Them)

4 Top Concerns of Family Caregivers (And What to Do About Them)

Caring for a senior loved one can bring with it a lot of challenges and important decisions that have to be made. Many caregivers find themselves wondering about common issues they may face as they adapt to having senior loved ones in their homes. Take a look at these top concerns of senior caregivers and, if they reflect your concerns, how to handle them.

1. Lack of Privacy

Living with a senior loved one, even a parent, can be very difficult. Suddenly, there's someone around in your space all the time, which means you have relatively little time by yourself. Furthermore, you may struggle with the fact that a senior loved one has access to all your comings and goings.

To help maintain privacy, set clear boundaries before you move in together--on both ends. Try to designate a specific space just for your senior loved one, and set portions of your home, like your bedroom, that is just for you and your spouse, if possible. 

2. Time Management

Senior caregivers often struggle with having enough time to take care of everything on their To Do lists over a day. They may have any number of responsibilities, including ongoing needs that are very difficult to juggle. Caregivers who have children at home or other family responsibilities to deal with may also struggle to find enough time to deal with caregiving responsibilities. 

If possible, make sure you arrange for the help you may need well ahead of time. Talk to friends and family members about the areas in which you may need assistance. If needed, bring in a senior caregiver to sit with a senior loved one, which can help free up time and energy.

3. Sleep Deprivation

Often, caring for a senior who needs additional medical support can mean broken sleep and long nights. Caregivers may find it especially difficult to get enough sleep if they have a loved one who gets up and wanders at night, or who suffers from a condition that may require 24/7 attention.

In cases where you may end up struggling with sleep deprivation, bringing in a senior caregiver can make a big difference. An overnight sitter can make sure that seniors get the care they need while other members of the family get a good night's sleep.

4. Isolation

All the time spent caring for a senior loved one can feel very isolating. Many caregivers struggle to find the time they need to spend with friends or on hobbies. To make it easier to deal with that isolation, caregivers may want to make specific plans to get out of the house, spend time on hobbies, or engage in their preferred activities. 

A Senior Caregiving Service Can Help

For caregivers who are struggling to provide the level of care a senior loved one needs while balancing their responsibilities, a senior caregiving service can make a big difference. At Senior Helpers Frederick, we provide a range of senior care services for seniors in Frederick, Hagerstown, Thurmont, and  Middletown. Contact Senior Helpers Frederick today to learn more.