Top 5 Rails and Bars to Install at Home to Prevent Slips and Falls
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Top 5 Rails and Bars to Install at Home to Prevent Slips and Falls

Top 5 Rails and Bars to Install at Home to Prevent Slips and Falls

As September is Fall Prevention Awareness Month, it's an excellent time to consider ways to help seniors stay safe at home. The CDC reports that slips and falls are the leading cause of accidental deaths among people 65 and older. According to the data, one in every four seniors falls each year. These falls too often result in death or long-term disability.

The consequences of a fall are frequently significant to the elderly. They can range from physical injuries like a broken hip or traumatic brain injury to painful bruising and emotional trauma.

Unfortunately, emotional trauma can result in a loss of confidence that causes seniors to curtail their activities, leading to a loss of strength and balance that increases their chances of another fall.

Preventing Slips and Falls in a Senior's Home

To stay safely in their homes, seniors in Honolulu, Moanalua, and Fort Shafter should consider having rails and bars installed to help prevent dangerous slips and falls. The National Institute on Aging suggests that many areas in the home would benefit from adding these safety devices.

1. Stair Railings

Install rails on both sides of any set of steps—whether it’s just a couple of steps at the entrance of the house or a staircase leading to another floor of the home. Handrails should be made of durable materials, be securely installed, and offer a comfortable, secure grip.

2. Bathroom Grab Bars

Permanent grab bars in the bathroom can help prevent falls in this often slippery location. They should be installed under the shower head and at the side of the tub. A vertical bar installed on the wall just outside the tub will provide a secure handhold when stepping in or out of the tub.

A grab bar next to the sink can offer stability there as well. Additionally, sturdy bars next to the toilet will aid seniors in safely sitting down and rising to their feet.

3. Bed Rails

Getting in and out of bed can be challenging for seniors. Rolling over at night can result in an unexpected and disastrous landing on the floor. Bed rails will keep them from falling out of bed during the night and assist them in getting in or out of bed.  Other bars at the side of the closet and dresser will stabilize seniors and help reduce fatigue as they choose their clothing for the day.

4. Kitchen and Laundry Grab Bars

Kitchen and laundry room floors can be slick because of spilled liquids. Grab bars near sinks and commonly used appliances will help seniors safely maneuver around these rooms.

5. Sitting Area Grab Bars and Hallway Rails

Senior Safety Advice recommends that a senior's favorite sitting areas have grab bars nearby to help stabilize them whenever they're sitting down or getting up. Rails in hallways will help them safely navigate these often long areas.

Senior Helpers of Moanalua-Honolulu Keep Seniors Safe at Home

If your senior loved one requires more safety than rails and bars can provide, consider offering them assistance from Senior Helpers. An experienced home care aid can help older adults remain healthy, active, and safe in the comfort of their own homes. We offer quality in-home care to seniors in Honolulu, Moanalua, and Fort Shafter. Contact us to schedule your in-home assessment today!