5 Tips for Organizing a Home for Better Dementia Care
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5 Tips for Organizing a Home for Better Dementia Care

5 Tips for Organizing a Home for Better Dementia Care

Is your loved one living with dementia? How well is your home organized? People living with dementia face many challenges in their everyday lives navigating around the house. It's common to misplace valuable documents and possessions and forget the location of commonly used items. It can increase anxiety and confusion for the patient.

This article looks at ways to organize a home to make it easier for people living with dementia to process information and understand their environment.

Tips for Organizing a Home for Better Dementia Care

By adopting simple changes at home, you can help your loved ones organize their space to improve safety and reduce stress. It makes their stay comfortable and pleasant in their daily routines.

Here are essential tips to help you organize a home for better dementia care for a loved one:

1. Set Home Routines

Setting up a routine brings up order and organization in your home when caring for a loved one living with dementia. By adopting a well-formulated care plan and daily schedule, all household members know their daily activities. It offers some sense of security, order, and comfort.

Draft the daily routine on a whiteboard and place the plan in a central location. Doing so makes it noticeable to all household members. Direct the patient to the whiteboard every day to view the daily routine. Avoid making random changes to the plan to sustain a constant pattern.

2. Adopt a Labeling System

Signs and labels are essential and helpful when caring for a dementia patient. By placing signs around the house, you help a loved one navigate around the home. They can also identify essentials they regularly need when living with a patient in Fort Shafter.

Label their medications with reminders of the dosage required and when. Use signs in the house to help them navigate around the house.

3. Keep Your Home Organized

Always keep your home organized when living with a dementia patient. People with dementia may find it hard to locate items if you keep changing their storage areas. You can label cabinets where essential items are stored. It helps them locate items quickly in their designated places without causing frustrations.

4. Reduce Decisions by Providing Choices

Develop a strategy to cut down on their decisions while listening to their opinions. Balance their choices in a manner that does not overwhelm or make them feel restricted. Instead of a patient making various choices, come up with two options and let them choose what works best for them. By adopting this strategy, you make them feel involved in the decision-making process.

5. Decluttering Your House

Decluttering your house ensures that their surroundings are clatter free to avoid frustrations as they navigate around the house. According to research from Princeton University, clutter impacts the ability to focus on given duties by overwhelming the visceral cortex.

If clutter affects an average person, how about a loved one living with dementia in Honolulu? Declutter their living spaces by eliminating all unneeded items from their surroundings. It gives them room to maneuver around while improving their safety.

Are you living with a dementia patient but feeling overwhelmed? Do you think your loved one is not getting enough care at home due to other engagements? Schedule a call today. We offer custom-tailored comprehensive care services to senior members of society.

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