4 Easy Strategies to Clean Up After the Holidays for Seniors Who Live Alone
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4 Easy Strategies to Clean Up After the Holidays for Seniors Who Live Alone

4 Easy Strategies to Clean Up After the Holidays for Seniors Who Live Alone

Planning to clean up after the holidays can feel incredibly daunting, especially when you live alone. You have decorations to pack away, presents to find homes, and, in many cases, a mess left over from visitors. Dealing with that after-the-holiday cleanup can feel very frustrating. Whether you live in Fort Shafter or Honolulu, however, you can rely on the same general options for helping with cleanup after the holidays. 

1. Plan Ahead for the Clean Up After Holidays

Dealing with holiday cleanup is less frustrating when you plan for it ahead of time. Don't feel as though you have to put out all the decorations this year, especially if putting them up and taking them down will cause more stress than joy. Instead, limit your decor so that you can enjoy what you do have up--and avoid the post-holiday struggle. 

2. Ask Family Members to Help When Gathering for the Holidays

Often, when visitors are done with the holiday celebration, they will simply head out without stopping to think about cleanup. Before the event even starts, arrange for family members to stick around after the event to help with cleanup. Give specific assignments to each individual to make it easier to get that much-needed help. Remind them that, while you appreciate their presence, you simply cannot take on the burden of all that holiday cleanup on your own--and you expect them to pitch in.

3. Have a List of What Needs to Be Done (And Accept Offers of Help)

Sometimes, you may get offers of help from well-meaning family members, but you may not even be sure that you know what needs to be done. You may find yourself frustrated as you try to remember whether the trash was taken out or who volunteered to help take down the tree. Put together a comprehensive list that lays out exactly what needs to be accomplished so that when you get offers of help, you can quickly take advantage of them. Check off items as people take care of them, or make a note of when loved ones say things will get done so that you can keep track of all the details.

4. Bring in the Professionals

If you do not have support from family and friends to clean up after the holidays, the easiest way to take care of holiday cleanup may be to bring in professionals. Look for a professional cleaning service that can help with the overall tidying and cleanup that must take place after the holidays. Use a service that provides assistance for seniors to help you deal with taking down decorations and storing them away for next year. You may find that using those services goes a long way toward decreasing stress after the holidays.

Senior Helpers Moanalua-Honolulu Is With You

Dealing with clean up after the holidays doesn't have to be a source of stress when you use these easy strategies to help improve your cleaning processes. Do you find yourself needing more help than usual as time goes by? If you're in the Honolulu or Fort Shafter Area, Senior Helpers Moanalua-Honolulu can help. Contact us today and learn more about the support we can provide, not just for the holiday season but for the entire year.