5 Signs of Early Parkinson's You Can Look For
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5 Signs of Early Parkinson's You Can Look For

Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder that affects movement and motor control. Although it is well known for causing tremors and stiffness, signs of early Parkinson’s may not be obvious. Early detection is vital for effective management and slowing its progression. Yet, identifying early symptoms can be challenging as they may resemble other conditions. 

What is Parkinson's Disease?

A neurodegenerative condition, Parkinson's disease primarily affects dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. Predominantly found among seniors, this chronic and progressive disease can result in a slow decline in movement, coordination, and balance. Early detection provides a chance for individuals to start treatment programs that could slow down the progression of the disease. Recognizing the early signs can significantly improve outcomes.

Early Signs of Parkinson's Disease

Being aware of the early symptoms of Parkinson's gives seniors and family caregivers the best chance of mitigating the worst outcomes. Here are a few signs to be on the lookout for:

1. Tremors or Shaking

Among the first signs of Parkinson's, look out for a subtle twitch or shaking in your finger, thumb, hand, chin, or lip. Note that not everyone with a tremor has Parkinson's. However, tremors could be a sign, especially if it is only in one hand while at rest.

2. Changes in Handwriting

Changes in handwriting, or micrographia, might also point to Parkinson's. This could manifest as writing words unusually small. The words could also be getting smaller and more crowded when you write a sentence. 

3. Loss of Smell

Another common early sign is a loss of smell. This can often happen years before other symptoms develop. If your sense of smell isn't what it used to be, it could indicate an early sign of the condition. 

4. Sleep Problems

Parkinson's might also cause trouble sleeping. You might move around in bed more, act out dreams, or even fall out of bed. Everybody experiences a poor night's sleep now and again. However, if the problem persists, it might be a sign of Parkinson's. 

5. Mobility Issues

Difficulty in moving or walking can be another early sign of Parkinson's. A sudden change in stride, often with a stooped posture or slowed movement, should be brought to the attention of your healthcare provider. 

The Link Between Symptoms and Parkinson's

Early symptoms of Parkinson’s are often subtle, but they could be warning signs. However, it is essential to note that some symptoms may resemble those of other conditions. Some can overlap with those of other diseases, making accurate diagnosis challenging. Still, not everyone with one or more of these symptoms has Parkinson's disease. It’s best to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Senior Helpers Canton-Rome-Cartersville Offers Top-Notch Parkinson's Care

Staying vigilant for signs of early Parkinson's can help you take proactive steps toward seeking proper diagnosis and care, ultimately improving your quality of life and well-being.

Senior Helpers Canton-Rome-Cartersville offers compassionate, in-home care services to seniors in the Canton, Cartersville, Rome, or Chatsworth areas, including Parkinson's Care. Our team undergoes specialized training to help seniors maintain their quality of life while navigating the challenges of a Parkinson’s diagnosis. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.