Seniors living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) have unique and complex needs. It can be overwhelming for seniors and their families to face COPD due to its progressive nature. However, there are ways in which non-medical care support can help manage COPD symptoms and improve quality of life.
Definition of COPD
To better understand the non-medical care needs of seniors living with COPD, we must understand what this disease is. COPD is a group of lung diseases, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Symptoms include frequent coughing (sometimes containing mucus), wheezing, and increased breathlessness during exercise or activity. As time progresses, symptoms may worsen until common activities like walking up stairs become very difficult without loss of breath. Therefore, caring for seniors living with COPD trends toward prioritizing general wellness, while treating the seniors' symptoms.
Non-Medical Care Needs for Seniors Living with COPD
Providing non-medical care to those living with COPD can be crucial for maintaining the senior's health. This type of support includes mental, social, and physical aspects to ensure a well-rounded approach.
Mental Support
Seniors with COPD often need assistance in managing the anxiety associated with difficulty breathing. Constant worry over their condition can be a source of great mental fatigue. Try to keep your senior loved one focused on low-impact, mentally stimulating activities instead, such as board games, craft projects, meditation, or reading. These activities keep the senior engaged and proactive, which can help to combat stress and depression.
Social Support
Similarly, social support is imperative to keeping the senior's anxiety and depression at bay. It also provides a sense of normalcy for seniors living with COPD. Social support could range from in-person visits, family gatherings, virtual meetings (such as telephone calls or video chats), involvement in clubs or groups within the community, or spending time with an in-home caregiver.
Physical Support
Due to fatigue and difficulty breathing, physical activities may become difficult for seniors living with COPD. However, participating in regular, low-impact exercise is important, as it helps to build endurance and improve breathlessness when active. Additionally, consistent exercise can also help manage anxiety-related symptoms like high blood pressure or palpitations caused by perceived shortness of breath. While it might take some time to find the right exercise plan for you, always consult a doctor before beginning a new routine.
The Importance of Non-Medical Care for Seniors Living with COPD
Non-medical care goes beyond the treatment plan and provides compensating factors to maintain quality of life. In-home senior care can provide an invaluable contribution while providing beneficial outcomes for COPD management. A caregiver can help a senior stick to a physical routine (maintaining lung health), or help them with daily activities (decreasing fatigue levels).
Choose Senior Helpers for In-Home Companion Care
At Senior Helpers Orlando, we understand that seniors living with COPD require a holistic approach to managing their condition. Our trained caregivers are licensed and certified to provide non-medical support services tailored specifically for those living with complex medical conditions. Contact us today to learn how we can help you manage your elderly loved one's COPD-related needs beyond the clinic visit in Orlando, Winter Park, Apopka, and Kissimmee.