How Often Should Seniors Get Their Eyes Checked? And 6 Other Tips for Senior Eye Health
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How Often Should Seniors Get Their Eyes Checked? And 6 Other Tips for Senior Eye Health

The elderly population is a source of pride and wisdom in any home or society. They also indicate the success of all the health programs, supporting that people are living longer than ever before. Concerning the eye health of senior citizens, it's crucial to encourage healthy lifestyles that uphold eye health in the long run. Here are 6 tips for senior eye health from Senior Helpers Santa Monica.

How Often Do Seniors Need Eye Exams to Maintain Senior Eye Health?

Seniors who require vision correction in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Pacific Palisades, and Marina del Rey (CA) should have a comprehensive eye exam annually. Regular eye examinations play a significant role in maintaining healthy vision. The frequent checkups give the optometrists a chance to compare year-to-year information and then develop strategies to manage any disease-related vision changes.

Disease-Related Vision Changes

Here are some of the common health conditions optometrists/ophthalmologists should check for in seniors:

1. Diabetic Retinopathy

This condition is related to diabetes, and it causes damage to the blood vessels in the back of one's eye. Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in senior adults.

2. Glaucoma

This condition refers to a group of diseases that damage the optic nerve in the eye. If left untreated, Glaucoma can lead to total blindness, often without symptoms. When discovered early, it can be effectively treated.

3. Cataracts

These refer to cloudy areas in the eye's lens that cause hazy or blurred vision, reduced contrast sensitivity, dulling colors, decreased ability to see when under low light, and enhanced sensitivity to glare. Cataracts can be corrected with surgery for better senior eye health.

4. Retinal Tearing

This refers to the separation or tearing of the retina from the underlying tissue. This can lead to night blindness, vision loss, and tunnel vision. The tearing occurs due to trauma to the head or eye, inflammatory eye disorders, health issues such as advanced diabetes, and changes to the gel-like vitreous liquid that fills the back of the eye.

5. Macular Degeneration

This refers to an eye disease that affects the macula (the light-sensitive tissue in the eye) and causes central vision loss. Although the macula is a small part of the eye, it's vital when reading, watching TV, recognizing faces, and driving.

6. Dry Eye Syndrome

This occurs when tear glands don't work well. It is accompanied by a burning or stinging, sandy feeling as if something is in the eye or any other discomfort.

Tips for Senior's Eye Health

Here are some eye care tips for senior citizens:

  • Visit their eye doctor at least once every year.
  • Ensure they eat a healthy diet with foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin C improves their vision.
  • Wear sunglasses or shield their eyes if they are more sensitive to wind, light, or temperature change.
  • Quit smoking if they are smokers.
  • Always wear contact lenses or prescription glasses.
  • Lastly, exercise regularly. Exercise helps improve blood flow, increasing the amount of oxygen circulating through the body, including the eyes. This also helps remove toxins in the bloodstream and enhances the quality of vision.

Learn More About Maintaining Senior Eye Health From Senior Helpers Santa Monica

Although aging is inevitable, regular eye exams, a healthy diet, exercise, and other positive lifestyle changes can help prolong the health of the eyes of a senior loved one.

At Senior Helpers Santa Monica, we help seniors in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, and Marina del Rey (CA) to boost overall eye and body health, build healthy lifestyle habits, and live comfortably throughout their golden years. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our care services.