5 Daily Habits for Treating and Managing Osteoporosis
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5 Daily Habits for Treating and Managing Osteoporosis

The International Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that osteoporosis affects about 33% of women and 20% of men aged 50 years or above, making it one of the most common bone diseases. Such people are at a high risk of having bone fractures and live a reduced quality of life. As we observe October 20, World Osteoporosis Day, it is essential to look at ways of improving bone health to prevent the progression of osteoporosis.

Here are five daily tips for you and your loved ones in Houston, Pearland, Bellaire, Harris County, TX:

1. Exercise

Research shows that exercise is essential for people living with osteoporosis. However, not all activity is suitable. Your senior loved ones in Houston who wish to improve their bone health can start a daily walking routine around the house, use stairs, go biking, or begin weight-bearing exercises. They should avoid exercises such as running to avoid falling or fracturing or any activity that could compress the spine.

2. Dietary changes

The Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF) recommends eating healthy as one of the most effective measures of dealing with the condition. Good foods should be rich in calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, potassium, vitamin K, and vitamin C. Such foods include milk, cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and poultry. Taking vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin C supplements is also recommended.

3. Avoid falls

Elderly loved ones living with osteoporosis should take precautionary measures to avoid falling and fracturing their bones. For example, they should walk in flat and well-maintained areas in Pearland or Bellaire that are free from obstacles. Outdoors, it is essential to have walking shoes and avoid areas with snow. Inside the house, it is best to put toys and household items away from stairways or hallways and add grab bars and rails to the bathroom and showers.

4. Quit smoking and alcohol

The National Institutes of Health links smoking cigarettes to reduced bone density, making individuals susceptible to fractures. Alcohol and nicotine are likely to reduce the effects of supplements essential to improved bone health. People with weak bones should limit their alcohol intake and quit smoking. Another compound that interferes with mineral absorption in the body is caffeine. Cut back on soda, sports drinks, tea, coffee, and all drinks that contain caffeine.

5. Work with caregivers

Additional social support can go a long way in helping people living with osteoporosis. BHOF links osteoporosis to depression, reduced self-esteem, and less traditional social exchanges. This is because of the limitation due to pain. If your loved one in Harris County is affected, try to help them engage with other social groups, or better still, find assistance from caregivers and professional service providers.

Get support from Senior Helpers Southwest Houston

At Senior Helpers South Houston, we understand that being diagnosed with osteoporosis can be overwhelming. However, the journey to staying safe and improving bone health can be easier with enough support. Our professional caregivers are trained to assist seniors with activities of daily living such as meal preparation, light housework, and running errands. We also offer vital companionship and care to people with chronic health conditions. Contact us today if you are in Pearland, Bellaire, Harris County, and other surrounding areas in Texas.