3 Remedies for Easing Joint Pain as You Age (Natural Solutions, Too!)
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3 Remedies for Easing Joint Pain as You Age (Natural Solutions, Too!)

Joint pain is a common complaint among seniors. Over time, the natural degeneration and wear of cartilage can cause sharp discomfort or chronic achiness. Feeling stiff in the mornings and having difficulty bearing weight on your feet? It's likely you're experiencing joint issues.

In this blog post from Senior Helpers East Dallas, we will explore several remedies that may help ease joint pain, either naturally or medically, so that senior citizens living in Dallas, Garland, Mesquite, Rowlett, and Balch Springs don't have to suffer needlessly!  

Joint Pain Can Worsen With Age

As you age, your bones and joints tend to wear out faster. Cartilage is responsible for cushioning the joints so that they move freely without grinding against each other. As cartilage breaks down over time, pain becomes more common as movement becomes harder. Some joint conditions even cause inflammation—cracking or swelling of the tissues in the area—which can be very uncomfortable.   

3 Remedies for Easing Joint Pain

Experiencing joint pain? The good news is that there are several ways to alleviate the pain. Here, we'll discuss three effective remedies for easing joint discomfort: diet and exercise, herbal remedies, and medical treatments.  

1. Diet and Exercise

Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly are two of the best lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your joint pain. Eating nutrient-rich foods, such as those found in fruits, vegetables, and proteins, helps keep the bones strong and healthy. Foods with Omega 3 fatty acids (think fish) are particularly beneficial for their anti-inflammatory properties. 

Additionally, moderate exercise is essential for maintaining your joints' range of motion and reducing stiffness. For seniors who may not be up for more intense activities like jogging or weight lifting, low-impact exercises like walking or swimming are excellent alternatives that significantly help to reduce pain levels while improving strength and balance.  

2. Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies are increasingly popular for treating various ailments, including joint pain. For example, ginger is excellent for reducing inflammation and increasing blood flow to sore areas. Turmeric helps soothe painful joints. Turmeric also aids in healing by inhibiting enzymes that can damage the cartilage, while arnica reduces bruising, swelling, and stiffness of the muscles, which can benefit those with arthritis or other joint conditions.   

3. Medical Treatments 

If you find that herbal remedies are not enough to reduce your joint pain, consulting with a healthcare professional may be the next step. Your doctor will likely recommend medications for easing the discomfort, such as over-the-counter ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. These drugs are good at relieving inflammation and reducing swelling of irritated joints. 

If those aren't working, they may prescribe other types of medication, like Corticosteroids, that work to block certain hormones in the body associated with inflammation.  

Senior Helpers Can Help 

Living with joint pain can make everyday activities difficult. While it is important to focus on prevention, such as maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and taking good care of your body, there are several ways to ease existing joint pain. From dietary and herbal supplements to medical treatments prescribed by a doctor, Senior Helpers East Dallas can help seniors take the right steps to feel their best. Contact us to learn more about our services!