Common Causes of Sleep Disturbances in Elderly People and How to Improve Sleep Quality
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Common Causes of Sleep Disturbances in Elderly People and How to Improve Sleep Quality

Sleep disturbances can sometimes be troubling for seniors, their family members, and their caregivers alike. Prolonged sleep issues in seniors may be an indication of a complex medical issue or other problems within the home environment. Understanding common causes and how to improve sleep quality in seniors is key to managing these types of issues and providing better care for the elderly person affected. Here's what you need to know, courtesy of Senior Helpers Murfreesboro.

Causes of Sleep Disturbances in Seniors

The senior population can be affected by several factors which contribute to disturbed sleep. These include physical body changes, unique dietary needs, and mental health issues such as dementia or depression. Poor sleep habits can also play a role in interrupting the natural sleep cycle of seniors.

When seniors don't get enough sleep, they could feel unbalanced, stressed, and even depressed. Everyone needs good rest, but for senior adults in particular, not getting enough sleep can cause a lot of problems. Therefore, they should do what they can to establish a healthy sleep routine so that they can get some solid rest each and every night.

Strategies to Improve Sleep Quality

Creating a more restful environment is an important step in addressing sleep disturbances in seniors. A calming space enriched with comforting colors and textures can help promote relaxation and enhance the quality of sleep.

It is also beneficial to develop clear bedtime routines that involve exercise during daylight hours, limiting naps during the day, reducing stress levels, avoiding alcohol or caffeine close to bedtime hours, and discontinuing sleeping pills if they are being used. Some seniors find journaling before bed to be a helpful practice since it can be a calming activity that keeps seniors away from electronics.

Consult a Doctor If Needed

If sleep disturbances persist or seem to arise from an unidentifiable medical condition, it is important to consult with a doctor. This could be an indication of underlying complications such as cardiovascular health problems or other developing illnesses, which require particular care and attention from medical professionals. 

Even if you don't have an underlying medical problem that is affecting your sleep, you could get some valuable insight or guidance from your doctor as to how you can get better rest at night.

Senior Helpers Encourages Seniors to Get Restful Sleep

Sleep disturbances are a common problem among elderly people, though some cases can be aggravated or alleviated depending on the external environment and care strategies. This article aims to provide an overview of sleep disruptions, their causes, and possible remedies. If a senior is experiencing prolonged difficulties with sleep, then consulting a doctor should be considered as part of resolving this issue successfully.

Senior Helpers Murfreesboro provides senior caregiving services in and around the Murfreesboro, Lebanon, McMinnville, Shelbyville, Smyrna, and Manchester areas. Contact us today to learn more about what we offer and how we can help you develop a more restful routine!