Create an Action Plan for Seniors After a Fall
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Create an Action Plan for Seniors After a Fall

Falls can pose a significant risk to seniors, and it's imperative to respond appropriately when they occur. In these unpredictable situations, having a well-crafted action plan can make all the difference.

This guide is for family caregivers who have a senior relative living with them at home. Our goal is to help you feel prepared and confident, rather than anxious and unprepared, should a fall happen. By the end of this blog, you'll know who to call, how to react, and what steps to follow after a senior loved one experiences a fall at home.

Let's get started.

Understanding the Risks of Falls in Seniors

The risk of falling increases as we age, making seniors particularly vulnerable. Falls can lead to severe injuries, loss of independence, or even death in worst-case scenarios. Statistics reveal that one in four older adults falls each year, emphasizing the need for effective preventive measures and action plans.

Immediate Actions After a Senior Falls

The moments following a fall are critical. The first step is to assess the situation and the senior's condition. If the senior appears seriously injured, avoid moving them and immediately summon professional medical help. On the other hand, if they seem okay, gently assist them to a seated position and contact their primary healthcare physician for instructions on your next step. Remember, reassuring your loved one and staying calm is critical during this time.

Create a Family Action Plan

Every family member should have a comprehensive action plan on hand. Such a plan serves as an essential roadmap, guiding you and your family through the necessary steps to ensure your loved one's safety. 

Your plan should include a strategy for quick and effective communication. Decide who needs to be contacted immediately, such as a specific family member, neighbor, or healthcare provider. Keep an easily accessible list of these emergency contacts ready.

Keep the Home Hazard-Free

Perform regular checks around the home for potential fall risks like slippery surfaces, uneven flooring, or clutter. Install lighting with easy-to-access switches, and remove any rugs that aren't permanently secured to the floor. 

Learn Lifesaving Skills

Don't forget about training. Everyone in the family should know basic first aid and how to safely help someone up after a fall. Regularly reviewing these procedures together can help ensure everyone remembers them in an emergency.

Explore Long-Term Care and Support Options

Having professional help can be extremely beneficial in managing long-term care and support for seniors. Have a care plan in place before you need it in case your loved one needs rehabilitation and personal care in a facility or at home. 

Stay Safe With Senior Helpers

Life may throw us unexpected challenges, and a senior loved one falling is no exception. But with a well-prepared action plan, you can mitigate the risks and ensure the safety of your loved one.

Whether your favorite senior needs help with household chores and self-care tasks or they need in-home support when recovering from a fall, Senior Helpers Madisonville can help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can empower your senior to pursue a safe, independent, engaged lifestyle. We proudly serve the Knoxville, Maryville, Loudon, Harriman, and Madisonville areas, as well as seniors across North America.