Use Turntables On Shelves
Place turntables in hard-to-reach places such as the back of shelves, cabinets, and refrigerators. Items can now be rotated to bring whatever is needed to the front.
Add Raised Dot Stickers To Remote Control Buttons
For seniors with decreased vision, placing raised stickers on commonly used buttons, such as the on/off button on a TV remote, can make them easier to locate.
Use Furniture Bumpers To Prevent Injuries
Counters, coffee tables, and nightstands often have sharp corners and may cause injuries if bumped into. Soften furniture corners with adhesive bumpers or moldable putty.
Place Rubber Bands Around Cups.
This will make cups and mugs easier to grip for arthritic hands. You can also place rubber bands on thinner objects such as pens and toothbrushes.
Prevent Bar Soap (And Yourself) From Falling In The Shower
Bar soap is extremely slippery when wet and may pose as a falling hazard if dropped. Instead, take a pair of pantyhose and cut it at the top of one leg. Place the soap in the foot and tie the other end to your shower head or grab bar.
Keep Drinking Straws In Place
Tape the straw to a clothespin, then clip the clothespin to the cup. No more chasing straws as the cup moves!
Keep Medications Organized
Use a pill box that is labeled with the days of the week. There are also pill boxes that are further divided by time of day for easier tracking.