Why Oral Hygiene Is Critical for Diabetics (and How to Provide Supportive Care)
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Why Oral Hygiene Is Critical for Diabetics (and How to Provide Supportive Care)

As our senior population ages and diabetes rates continue to rise, it is increasingly important for family caregivers and healthcare professionals to understand why oral hygiene is critical for diabetics. Fortunately, we at Senior Helpers Exton are experienced home care providers that can help you or your loved one properly maintain dental health while living with diabetes. But first, here are some things you should know.

The Growing Ties Between Diabetes and Oral Hygiene 

Did you know that an estimated 22 percent of all diabetics develop gum disease? When a human's blood glucose rises beyond normal levels—commonly referred to as hyperglycemia—it causes harmful bacteria to flourish. This is due to a reduced defense system in their mouth, making it easy for topical issues related to mouth conditions to take root. Periodontal diseases become much more severe from the high levels of sugar in saliva glands. 

But this can be avoided through practicing proper oral hygiene techniques, thus diminishing risk factors drastically. Use particular treatments and prevention methods advised by your dentist or other medical professional associated with maintaining healthy mouths among senior patients.

Ways Diabetes Impacts Your Oral Health

Diabetes can impact oral health in a variety of ways:

Dry Mouth

Diabetes may cause a decrease in salivation, which is often referred to as "dry mouth." Symptoms related to dry mouth include bad breath and overall discomfort.


Diabetes patients tend to go through periods of inflammation that can affect their gum tissue immensely due to high levels of sugar in saliva glands. This can cause redness and/or bleeding when brushing or flossing teeth.

Tooth Decay

Because blood glucose will rise beyond normal levels from hyperglycemia in diabetics, harmful bacteria are able to easily thrive in an individual's mouth. This potentially causes tooth decay over prolonged exposure and contact with sugars found in beverages or food consumables. 

Gum Disease

Initially recognized as "gingivitis," this periodontal disease pertains to something being wrong within a person's gums, possibly causing them to swell and recede from the teeth. 

How to Provide Supportive Care for Seniors’ Oral Issues

Provide supportive care for seniors experiencing oral issues in these four ways: 

  • Encourage regular dental visits: Most people are advised to receive dental care twice per year.
  • Encourage good brushing and flossing habits: Brushing and flossing twice per day is necessary.
  • Offer a healthy diet: Excess sugar and processed foods are not safe for people with diabetes or oral health issues. Offer fruits and vegetables most often.
  • Adapt hygiene habits to account for diabetes: The use of fluoride, alcohol-free mouthwash, and sugar-free snacks and beverages are all ways to help.

Connect with Senior Helpers Exton

If you have a senior family member or friend in Chester County, West Chester, Coatesville, Downingtown, or Kennett Square in need of senior home care services to ensure their teeth stay healthy while living with diabetes, please don't hesitate to contact the professionals at Senior Helpers Exton today. Our team is knowledgeable and qualified to aid family members through all matters of taking care of elderly loved ones with respect and dignity. We also offer assistance with chronic care solutions for those living with diabetes and other condition.