How to Reset Caregiving Routines When School Starts
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How to Reset Caregiving Routines When School Starts

As the back-to-school season approaches, many people have to juggle new routines. Those who are caregivers for senior relatives may also need to reset caregiving routines. From morning dashes to the school bus to afternoon extracurricular activities while looking after your senior loved one’s needs, these schedule changes can be daunting. 

Balancing your child's school schedule and maintaining a consistent caregiving routine for a senior loved one is not easy. It’s even more challenging for seniors with dementia or frequent needs. Senior Helpers Beaverton aims to help caregivers navigate through this transition smoothly. The goal is to minimize potential disruptions while creating an equilibrium that works for everyone.

The Importance of Routines in Caregiving

Routines for seniors, particularly those with dementia, provide a sense of security and familiarity. Sudden changes can disrupt their sense of normalcy, leading to agitation or anxiety. When school starts, you can’t just reset caregiving routines abruptly. It’s about doing it in a way that respects the routine your senior loved one is used to. 

Evaluating Your Current Routine

The first step towards a smooth transition is to evaluate your current caregiving routine. Identify areas that might conflict with the new school schedule. These include feeding times or doctors' appointments. It’s also a way to anticipate potential issues like dealing with time conflicts and transportation challenges. This way, you can plan accordingly. 

Creating a New Caregiving Routine

Creating a new routine should be a gradual and thoughtful process. Begin by making minor tweaks to your current schedule. Slowly integrate school-related activities into the mix. The key is to maintain as much consistency as possible. Flexibility is also crucial. Unexpected things may come up. Having a backup plan will reduce stress for you and your senior loved one.

Involving the Senior in the Transition

Change can be hard for everyone, but for seniors with dementia, it can be especially difficult. To minimize potential stress or anxiety, involve them in the transition process as much as possible. Explain what changes are taking place and why. Consistency and clarity in your communication help make the shift smoother for everyone involved.

Seeking Professional Help

Despite our best efforts, there may be times when we need a little extra help. It's okay to recognize when you might need professional assistance. Whether it's for a few hours a week or on a more permanent basis, help is available. This is where Senior Helpers Beaverton can provide support. We offer professional caregiving services, from companionship to more specialized care for Alzheimer's and dementia.

Senior Helpers Provides Compassionate Senior Care

Balancing back-to-school routines and caregiving responsibilities can be challenging. However, with careful planning and patience, it's possible to reset caregiving routines in a way that works for everyone. If you're in Beaverton, King City, Hillsboro, or Canby and need professional assistance, contact us at Senior Helpers Beaverton. Our team of compassionate and experienced caregivers is here to support you through every step of your caregiving journey.