3 Strategies for Fighting Loneliness and Isolation as the Sun Sets Earlier
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3 Strategies for Fighting Loneliness and Isolation as the Sun Sets Earlier

The sun is already setting around 6 PM here in Elmira. When Daylight Savings Time ends at the beginning of November, it will be darker even earlier. Losing those daylight hours can be tough on seniors who depend on evening activities for their well-being and socialization. They may be reluctant or unable to drive at night or struggle to be out in the winter temperatures. Those long, cold evenings can lead to increased isolation and loneliness as seniors feel forced to give up their favorite winter activities.

Winter doesn't mean giving up all those evening activities that you love! As the sun sets earlier and earlier, here are three strategies that you or a loved one can use to stay engaged and active until Spring.

1. Ask a Caregiver to Drive You to Activities

Feeling reluctant to drive yourself to evening activities in the winter is understandable. It can be challenging to drive in the dark, and roads in the Ithaca area are treacherous as the snow builds up. Instead of staying at home, talk to a caregiver about giving you a lift. This might be a friend, family member, or a member of the Senior Helpers of Elmira-Ithaca-Corning team. Tompkins County also offers the Gadabout driving service for seniors, which will take you to your destination for $1.50 (one way) within Ithaca or $2.00 outside of city limits.

2. Offer to Host Activities at Your Home

Depending on the activity, you may be able to offer to host the group in your home. This option would work well for church groups, crafting clubs, or social circles. Hosting events at home can also give you a chance to try something new, create a new social circle at a board game night, or even watch a favorite weekly TV show with friends. You'll be able to stay in the comfort of your home while the fun comes to you, but it will come with some additional chores. If you struggle with household chores, a carer may be able to help you prepare your space before and clean up after the event.

3. Try Virtual Meetups

The internet is a great way to stay connected with others without ever leaving home. Many organizations now offer ways for members to attend meetings virtually using a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer. Video calling is ideal for staying in touch with family and connecting with local and nationwide groups. You'll find choirs, bingo nights, and other activities online which will prevent loneliness and isolation.

Find Companionship & Extra Care This Winter

Are you worried about loneliness or isolation this winter? Talk to the Senior Helpers of the Elmira-Ithaca-Corning team. We offer companion care services to seniors who wish to remain independent but may need some additional support with tasks such as household chores, pet care, cooking, or running errands. Plus, our team is always happy to sit and have a chat or ensure you get to a favorite wintertime activity on time. Contact us to discuss companion care options for yourself or a loved one.