Eye Strain & Screen Time: What You Need To know
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Eye Strain & Screen Time: What You Need To know

Do you find your eyes feeling tired after a few hours of screen time? With more of us spending extended periods on digital devices, eye strain has become a common issue, particularly for seniors. Let’s explore how excessive screen time can lead to eye fatigue and what steps you can take to minimize the problem. 

Understanding Eye Strain

Also known as asthenopia, eye fatigue is a condition characterized by discomfort or pain in the eyes caused by excessive use. In our digital age, screen time is one of the primary culprits of visual strain. Staring at a computer or mobile screen for prolonged periods can put significant stress on the eyes. This can lead to dry eyes, blurred vision, and headaches. It can be an unpleasant experience, especially for seniors who may have other underlying eye issues. 

Strategies to Mitigate Visual Strain

Here are a few strategies to lessen eye fatigue:

Regular Breaks

The key to preventing eye strain is moderation. Regular breaks from screen time are essential. A helpful rule of thumb is the "20-20-20" rule. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and gaze at something 20 feet away. This simple act can help your eyes relax. 

Adequate Lighting

Another crucial factor is lighting. Overly harsh or dim light can make it difficult for your eyes to focus, leading to fatigue. Ensure your room is brightly lit but not glaring. The light source should be positioned behind you, directed towards your work. 

Correct Screen Placement

The position of your device also matters. Try to keep your screen at eye level so you don't need to tilt your head to see it clearly. Adjust the text size as needed. You can also use your screen's zoom feature to make things easier to read. 

Importance of Seeking Professional Help

Pay attention to your body if you're experiencing discomfort. Continuous eye fatigue could lead to more severe issues down the line. If, after taking breaks and adjusting your lighting and device position, you continue to experience strain, it's time to seek professional help. 

Senior Helpers Elmwood Park Provides Support for Seniors Who Want to Age in Place

In a world where digital devices are a part of our everyday lives, safeguarding our visual health and preventing eye strain has never been more critical. If you're in Elmwood Park, Franklin Park, Harwood Heights, Melrose Park, or Stone Park, and need assistance with senior care, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Senior Helpers Elmwood Park. We're here to help you live comfortably with the support you need.