How to Treat Chronically Itchy Eyes
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How to Treat Chronically Itchy Eyes

Our bodies undergo various changes as we age, and our eyes are no exception. Among the usual age-related eye conditions, chronically itchy eyes often go unnoticed, leaving many elderly people to 'make do' with the discomfort. However, persistent itchy eyes may indicate deeper health issues you shouldn't ignore. In honor of National Eye Exam Month this August, let's raise awareness about the common causes of itchy eyes in seniors and, more importantly, why regular eye examinations are critical to determining effective care plans. By understanding the importance of proactive eye health, seniors can enhance their quality of life and enjoy their golden years with clear and comfortable vision.

Common Causes of Itchy Eyes in Seniors

Understanding what triggers your itchy eyes can be the first step toward finding relief. For seniors, common culprits include allergies, dry eye syndrome, Blepharitis, and age-related macular degeneration. Allergies can cause inflammation and itchiness, while dry eye syndrome, a condition where your eyes do not produce enough tears, triggers a gritty, burning sensation. Blepharitis, eyelid inflammation, can also cause itchy and red eyes. Lastly, age-related macular degeneration, while more known for causing vision loss, can sometimes cause discomfort and itchiness too.

The Importance of Eye Exams for Seniors

Early detection is critical in managing any age-related eye conditions. Hence, regular eye exams become increasingly important as we age. An eye doctor can detect early signs of vision-threatening conditions and provide an appropriate care plan. Ignoring itchy eyes is not a solution. Remember that you don't have to live with constant discomfort. An effective care plan devised by your eye doctor can drastically improve your eye comfort and overall quality of life.

How to Treat Itchy Eyes

Treatment options for itchy eyes can vary, depending on the underlying cause. Over-the-counter remedies, such as lubricating eye drops, can often relieve dry eyes. Prescription medications may be necessary for conditions like allergies or Blepharitis. Also, lifestyle changes, like reducing screen time, using protective eyewear, and maintaining a healthy diet, can significantly benefit your overall eye health.

However, regular check-ups with an eye doctor are crucial for the best results. Prevention is always better than cure, and regular eye exams can help catch potential issues early, allowing for timely treatment and reducing the risk of permanent damage.

Need More Help at Home?

Seniors shouldn't have to 'make do' with itchy eyes. This National Eye Exam Month, take the first step towards better eye health. Reach out to an eye doctor and schedule an exam. You can enjoy your golden years with clear, itch-free eyes with the right care. 

For those living in Bolingbrook, Woodridge, and Darien, Senior Helpers of Bolingbrook offers services tailored to assist with your everyday needs, ensuring you keep enjoying all the activities you love. Contact Senior Helpers of Bolingbrook today to learn more about our services. After all, a clear vision contributes to a clear mind and a happier life. Learn more about how our team can support good eye health and overall well-being at home.