How to Treat Chronically Itchy Eyes
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How to Treat Chronically Itchy Eyes

Itchy eyes can turn the simplest tasks into a real challenge. It's not uncommon for these sensations to increase as we age. This is often thanks to factors like decreasing tear production and changes in vision.

August is National Eye Exam Month, a perfect reminder of the importance of regular eye care. This is especially true for our aging population. The eyes become more sensitive as we age, and conditions like chronically itchy eyes become more frequent.

However, we don't have to endure the discomfort it causes. In light of National Eye Exam Month, we want to help you conquer this common issue. Let's explore what causes those irksome itchy eyes and find out how an eye doctor can help effectively manage and treat this condition.

Common Causes of Itchy Eyes

There are many causes of eye irritation. The most common are allergies, dry environment, inadequate tear production, and infections. Aging adds another layer of sensitivity, with declining tear production often leading to dry eyes. On top of these, the prolonged use of digital screens can also strain our eyes, leading to discomfort. 

Importance of Eye Exams

This is where our local eye doctors play an indispensable role. Through comprehensive eye examinations, they can diagnose the root cause of the itchiness and propose appropriate treatments. Regular eye exams become even more crucial as we age to combat itchy eyes. It’s also pivotal in detecting early signs of serious eye diseases such as glaucoma or macular degeneration.

Ignoring or “making do” with chronically itchy eyes can potentially lead to further complications. In the worst case, it can even cause severe damage to your vision. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that seniors get eye exams every one to two years

Developing a Care Plan

Over-the-counter treatments can alleviate symptoms of eye trouble. However, medical professionals can address the cause of discomfort. Once diagnosed, your eye doctor will formulate a care plan tailored to your needs. This could involve prescription medication to deal with allergies or infections. He will also advise on lifestyle changes to avoid triggers. In some cases, they may recommend surgical procedures. A personalized plan alleviates the immediate discomfort and works toward preventing future occurrences.

Stay Healthy With Senior Helpers

Whether your chronically itchy eyes are a minor annoyance or a major discomfort, it's crucial to take action sooner rather than later. Irritated eyes could indicate an underlying condition that can get worse with time. Take the opportunity this National Eye Exam Month to prioritize your eye health and preserve your vision well into your golden years. 

Seniors in and around Whittier, Downey, Pico Rivera, and Bell Gardens who need help getting to important appointments or with household chores can rely on Senior Helpers Whittier-Downey. Our in-home care professionals are here to assist with daily self-care tasks, meal preparation tasks, and life-enriching activities. If you or a senior loved one can benefit from our services, contact us today to learn more.