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Senior Helpers Blog

  • Traveling Tips for Seniors

    July 15, 2016

    Travel can be a very rewarding experience, whether the goal is to see the world or to visit long-distance friends and family. However, when we travel with our senior loved ones, we may be faced with challenges we don't expect—issues that simply aren't there when traveling on our own.

  • Health Benefits of Swimming for Seniors

    July 8, 2016

    We all know there are plenty of advantages to exercising, but it can sometimes be difficult for older adults who have arthritis or other painful illnesses to exercise.

  • Celebrating Senior Independence with In Home Care

    June 30, 2016

    While we are celebrating Independence Day with friends and family with cookouts and get-togethers, it is important to remember our senior loved ones who would appreciate being able to participate in these holiday events. This year, we can celebrate senior independence and the ability to stay in the comforts of home and community, as opposed to living in a nursing home or assisted living facility.

  • Summer Safety Tips and Live in Senior Care

    June 23, 2016

    With warming temperatures, we tend to feel busier and more time is spent outdoors.  With more fun in the sun, it is important to remember some simple summer safety tips.

  • Safety Tips for Seniors Who Live Alone with In Home Help

    June 17, 2016

    The ability to stay in the comforts of home, in our familiar environment and community, is highly desired by most people. We want to live where we are comfortable and stay active in our local community events and social circles. As we age, remaining at home can be a little more complicated, but it does not mean it is impossible. When it comes to independent living at home for a senior, safety is the top priority for making it a success.

  • Fathers Day Gift Ideas and In Home Senior Care

    June 10, 2016

    Father’s Day is just around the corner, and it is time to think about the important man in our lives who helped to shape who we are today. While it may seem enough to simply send a card and call it a day, it is important to remember our dads deserve some extra love too!

  • Keeping Your Seniors Home Safe with In Home Help

    June 3, 2016

    With warmer weather, we are sure to be more on the go than during the cooler months of the year.  Daily activities with friends and neighbors become more of a regular occurrence outside the home. As we leave and rejoin new activities, items can end up left haphazardly on tables and floors. It is especially important that we keep our senior’s home safe by keeping trip hazards out of harm’s way. 

  • Happy Memorial Day with In Home Senior Care

    May 27, 2016

    The end of May brings Memorial Day, which is traditionally celebrated to mark the unofficial start of summer.  While the holiday is a great reason for friends, fun, and barbecues, it is important to remember the real reason for the day. Many men and women have lost their lives while fighting for our country to keep us free. We need to take a moment to thank those who sacrificed so much so that we can live free.

  • Vision Tests for Home and In Home Care for Seniors

    May 20, 2016

    As with any other type of health checkup, a regular vision screening is important at any age. Early detection of vision impairment can prevent further vision loss and in some cases, blindness. It is especially important to stay on top of possible deteriorating vision in our elderly loved ones.

  • Foods for Better Eyesight and In Home Senior Care

    May 13, 2016

    As we age, there are many reasons to start eating right and to find ways to fuel our bodies in a healthy way. We have learned that food plays an important role in how we feel and perform through the day. There are good foods and bad, and while it’s important to avoid eating poorly all of the time; moderation is key to healthy and happy living.

  • Mothers Day Gift Ideas and In Home Senior Care

    May 6, 2016

    Mother’s Day falls on the first Sunday in May each year. Mother’s Day is a special holiday created to remind us to take the time to show our moms how much they mean to us. Quite literally, we would not be here without them. A Mother’s Day go-to gift is usually a bouquet of flowers. While this is not a bad gift, it can become expected and something different and thoughtful can go a long way in surprising Mom.

  • Easy Ways to Help Muscle Stiffness in PD with In Home Senior Care

    April 29, 2016

    Those who are coping with symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can attest to the fact that there are some good as well as some fairly difficult days. Muscle stiffness and tremors make daily activities such as dressing grooming hard to do and very frustrating. For those who are coping with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, exercise is being studied as a way to prevent and bring relief. 

  • Exercise Tips for Parkinsons and In Home Elderly Care

    April 22, 2016

    As we age, it is important to keep our bodies as physically fit and active as possible. This will help with balance, strength, and prevent injuries. When a loved one is coping with a disease such as Parkinson’s disease, there are many benefits to regular weekly exercise. 

  • Tips of Caring for a Loved One with Parkinson's Disease

    April 20, 2016

    We know that being a caregiver is one of the most demanding jobs with a wide range of emotions from sad to angry.

  • Making Personal Hygiene Easier with PD and In Home Senior Care

    April 15, 2016

    You may have a loved one who was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. While at times it can be difficult, coping with PD is possible with some help and some life-simplifying tools.

  • Raising Awareness for Parkinsons and In Home Help

    April 9, 2016

    April is Parkinson’s Awareness month. Parkinson’s disease affects the parts of the brain that help with normal body balance and movement.  This brain disorder progresses slowly in people and can take years to develop. It is unclear as to what causes the loss of brain cells that produce dopamine, which is a chemical messenger that enables smooth movements. 

  • Parkinson's Resources in Your Community

    April 8, 2016

    A Parkinson's diagnosis comes with a wide range of challenges, questions and concerns.

  • Seniors and Diabetes and Live in Senior Care

    April 1, 2016

    There are millions of seniors in America who are living with diabetes. One in four seniors are affected by this disease. There are many potential effects that diabetes can have on the body if not adequately controlled, such as blindness, nerve damage, kidney and heart disease. These complications can be prevented with appropriate care and moderate health changes.

  • Choosing Healthy Meals as You Age and In Elderly Home Care

    March 25, 2016

    When we were younger and felt invincible, the things we ate never really crossed our mind regarding the effects foods may have on our body. Junk foods were a constant staple in our diets as young people, and while a treat from time to time isn’t a terrible thing, it is important to start making better choices and choosing healthy meals as we age.

  • Green Foods for St. Patrick's Day!

    March 16, 2016

    There's no better way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day than with these delicious, nutritious, and GREEN foods!

  • Happy Saint Patricks Day with In Home Senior Care

    March 15, 2016

    The 17th of March is widely known and celebrated as St Patrick’s Day in the United States. This popular holiday is not only useful for traditional Irish themed events. It’s also a great way to celebrate the arrival of spring and an excellent excuse to get out of the house and enjoy friends and family. 

  • Keeping Track of Your Seniors Diet and In Home Help

    March 12, 2016

    It is becoming more common for an elderly loved one to remain independent in their own home and community for as long as possible. Living in their familiar home environment and staying closer with family and friends in the community is very beneficial for an elderly loved one’s overall sense of mood and wellbeing. While it is wonderful to know a senior loved on is happy, it also great to know that they are healthy as well.

  • Five Apps to Feed your Brain

    March 11, 2016

    While it's important that we feed our bodies properly as we age, it's just as important to keep our brains nourished as well.

  • Top Nutrition Tips for Caregivers and In Home Care for Seniors

    March 4, 2016

    Caregivers are special people. Because caregivers are often performing tasks that are time-consuming and often thankless, it is important to remember to take time to take care of themselves. The best thing a person can give to themselves is better care for their body. When the body is cared for, the mind can think clearer and the mood will stay uplifted.