Enhancing Sun Protection in Your Backyard Oasis
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How to Add More Sun Protection While in the Backyard

To relish the warmth and enjoyment that the summer season brings, spending time outdoors becomes a favorite pastime, particularly among seniors. Whether you're tending to your garden, entertaining your family, or simply relishing a good book, your backyard provides a haven of comfort and tranquility. However, the joy of the summer sun can also bring challenges. The importance of sun protection cannot be stressed enough, especially for seniors who face an increased risk for certain skin conditions. 

This comprehensive guide is aimed to help you enjoy your time outdoors while keeping your skin safe from the summer sun. Explore a variety of wearable sun protection options, as well as ways to add more shade to your backyard through trees, screens, umbrellas, and other installations. No matter what your outdoor preference is, these senior-friendly sun protection strategies are sure to come in handy.

Risks of Sun Exposure

While basking in the summer sun can be delightfully refreshing, it's critical to be aware of the associated risks. Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to adverse health effects for seniors—including skin diseases and aggravated heat-related conditions. Increasing age often results in thinner skin, making it more susceptible to the sun's harmful rays. This makes it all the more vital for seniors to prioritize sun protection.

Wearable Sun Protection

One of the most straightforward ways to protect yourself from the sun is through the use of sunscreen. Sunscreen acts as a shield, blocking harmful UV rays from penetrating your skin. However, not all sunscreens are created equal. When choosing a product, look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Remember to apply the sunscreen generously and reapply every two hours—or more frequently if you're sweating or have been in the water.

Apart from sunscreen, another protective measure is clothing. Wearing long-sleeved shirts, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses can provide added protection. While this may seem counterintuitive in the heat, many clothing companies offer lightweight, breathable, and sun-protective clothing designed specifically to keep you cool while being shielded from the sun. 

Backyard Installations for Sun Protection

If you have the luxury of a backyard, there are numerous installations you can consider for additional shade and sun protection. 


Planting trees around the yard is a natural way to create a shady retreat. Consider planting trees that are native to the region as they're likely to thrive with less maintenance. 

Screens and Patio Umbrellas

Screens or large patio umbrellas provide instant shade and can be strategically placed according to the sun's direction. Both screens and umbrellas come in different sizes and styles, allowing you to choose one that best fits your backyard aesthetics.

Pergolas or Gazebos

Other structures like pergolas and gazebos can also provide substantial shade and could serve as a focal point in your backyard. These installations may require a more significant investment and space, but on the positive side, they add an architectural element to your backyard and can increase your property value.

Connect With Senior Helpers Corpus Christi

Protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays is an indispensable aspect of enjoying the summer, especially for seniors. By implementing tips like using the right sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and installing shade-providing features in your backyard, you can freely enjoy the outdoors without compromising your skin's health.

If you reside in Robstown, Port Aransas, Refugio, Mathis, or Beeville and need further advice or assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at Senior Helpers Corpus Christi. We are here to help with all your senior living needs, and we're committed to making your senior living experience as safe, comfortable, and enjoyable as possible. Don't let the sun keep you from enjoying your beautiful backyard this summer. Enjoy the sun, but stay protected!