How to Hydrate This Summer If You Dislike Water
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How to Hydrate This Summer If You Dislike Water

As the summer heat kicks in, staying hydrated becomes essential for our health and well-being. However, not everyone enjoys drinking plain water, and gulping down glass after glass can feel like a chore. If you're not a fan of water, don't worry! There are plenty of creative ways to keep yourself hydrated throughout the season. In this blog post, we'll explore simple tips and tricks for staying refreshed and maintaining optimum hydration even if you don't like the taste or feel of water. 

Find Healthy Alternatives to Water

Try exploring flavored alternatives that can make hydration more enjoyable. Infused water is a popular choice, as it combines the benefits of water with the refreshing taste of fruits, vegetables, or herbs. Try adding slices of lemon, cucumber, or fresh mint to your water bottle for a burst of flavor. You can also opt for store-bought flavored waters. Just be sure to check the labels for added sugars or artificial ingredients.

Coconut water and herbal teas are also great options that can provide hydration as well as additional nutrients.

Eat Water-Rich Foods

Adding foods with high water content to your daily meals and snacks can also help you stay hydrated. Fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe, and strawberries are not only delicious, but they also hold a high percentage of water. Vegetables such as cucumber, lettuce, and celery can also contribute to your daily hydration. Get creative in the kitchen and try making salads, smoothies, or even popsicles with these water-rich ingredients.

Set Hydration Goals

Setting personal hydration targets can be a useful motivator for those who struggle with drinking water. Start by tracking your daily water intake and then establish a realistic goal for improvement. Remember, everyone's needs are different, so find a target that works for you. To make things more enjoyable, try rewarding yourself when you reach your hydration goals – this could be anything from a small treat to a self-care activity you enjoy.

Try Different Types of Water

Sometimes, water's enjoyability can vary depending on its source or temperature. If you're not a fan of tap water, consider trying filtered or bottled water to see if you prefer the taste. Experiment with different water temperatures as well – some people find cold water more refreshing, while others prefer room temperature or warm water. Don't be afraid to mix it up until you find the type of water that suits your taste buds.

Make Hydration a Social Activity

Getting friends and family involved in your hydration journey can provide extra motivation and make the process more enjoyable. Engage in friendly hydration challenges, share tips and tricks, and keep each other accountable for reaching daily water intake goals. Not only will this help you stay hydrated, but it can also strengthen your relationships with your loved ones.

Stay Healthy With Senior Helpers

By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you'll be well on your way to staying refreshed and healthy all season long. If you or a loved one in St. Louis City, Kirkwood, Affton, Frontenac, or Oakville need additional support for your health and well-being, contact us at Senior Helpers Webster Groves for professional and compassionate in-home care services. Let's stay hydrated together!