Meditation and breathing exercises can have a lot of benefits for many older adults. Not only can they help strengthen the immune system, but meditation and breathing can also help lower blood pressure, manage pain, or decrease symptoms of depression. Introducing those strategies to an elderly loved one in your life, however, may prove challenging.
A loved one in Hopkinsville or Madisonville may need to experience some of the benefits of meditation, mindfulness, and breathing exercises. Try some of these strategies to help introduce them to these beneficial exercises.
1. Engage in Breathing Activities Together
Suggest trying out meditation and breathing activities as part of your time spent together. You can participate in a class at a local senior or activity center. You can choose to practice in the privacy of your home. Often, presenting a new activity as something you can do together will help encourage your elderly loved one to try it.
2. Talk About the Benefits in Your Own Life
Your parents are often interested in hearing about what has taken place in your own life. It includes the benefits you may have experienced from meditation and mindfulness. Take the time to talk about how breathing exercises have helped you lower your blood pressure. It may also be about how meditation has helped give you better control over your temper. Sharing your own experiences can help pique an elderly loved one's interest. It can increase the odds that they'll be willing to consider those benefits for themselves.
3. Find a Group to Practice With
Group yoga sessions, for example, end with mindfulness and breathing. Look for a local group that will allow you to incorporate meditation or breathing exercises as part of those regular practices. Many older adults are looking for more ways to be social. Meditation practice could be one of the best ways to get started. Your loved one may also benefit from working with a therapist or other professional who can help guide them through those breathing exercises or through mindful meditation.
4. Pinpoint Specific Health Benefits
If you know that your loved one is struggling in a specific area, consider pointing out how meditation or breathing exercises could help them better achieve their goals. For example, you may note that meditation can help with depression. Or possibly, your loved one may notice that their immune system improves through regular meditation and mindfulness. Ensure you incorporate those strategies as part of your overall tactics for dealing with those health concerns, including consulting regularly with a doctor, proper nutrition, and exercise as appropriate.
Are You Looking for Support for Your Aging Parents?
As your parents get older, it can become increasingly difficult to provide them with the full range of support they need, especially if they live in Paducah or Madisonville and you live halfway across the country. At Senior Helpers, we can help residents of West Kentucky find the support they need to help aging parents, including in-home care or additional support with the tasks your loved ones need to handle on a regular basis. Contact us today to learn more.