How to Safely Dispose Senior Medication
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Where to Safely Dispose of Medication for Seniors

April is Medication Safety Month, a time designed to highlight the importance of correct medication practices. A significant yet often overlooked aspect of this is the safe disposal of unused or expired medications. When you or a senior loved one stops taking a prescription or no longer needs that medication, proper disposal is essential. 

The Importance of Proper Medication Disposal

Understanding why it is crucial to discard medications correctly is the first step toward safe practices. Medications come with an expiration date, and taking expired drugs can have undesired effects or no effect at all. Moreover, unused medications lying around the house can be a hazard, particularly if there are children or pets. Improperly disposed of medicines can also harm our environment, contaminating water supplies and harming wildlife when they end up in landfills. 

City Resources for Medication Disposal

Finding the right place to dispose of unwanted medications can help you protect your loved ones and the environment. Many local pharmacies and city offices run medication take-back programs, which include secure drop boxes and special collection events. You can contact your city office for the next scheduled medication disposal day in your community, and they will provide you with the information you need. Participation in such events is not only community-oriented but also a considerable step towards maintaining a safer environment.

Tips for Safe Medication Disposal

Not all medications are equal when it comes to disposal. Some can be thrown in the trash, while others need special treatment. So, how do we know which is which? First, always check the drug label or patient information booklet; some will have specific disposal instructions. If no instructions are given and you cannot find a take-back program, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests a few options. You can mix most medicines with an unpalatable substance like dirt, cat litter, or used coffee grounds, place the mixture in a sealed plastic bag, and put it in your regular garbage. However, certain strong medications, such as opioids, should be flushed down the toilet for safety reasons. 

Solutions for Seniors Who Don't Drive

For seniors who don't drive, getting rid of medication safely can be a challenge. However, there are alternatives. Some pharmacies offer mail-back programs where you can send your unused medication directly to them for proper disposal. Additionally, you can acquire at-home drug disposal products. These products allow you to deactivate drugs and make them safe to put in the trash from the comfort of your home. Friends, family, or caregivers can also help transport your medications to a safe disposal site. You can also look into your specific medications to determine whether it is safe to dispose of them on your own.

Professional Home Care Support for Seniors

If you reside in Elmira, Ithaca, Corning, Bath, or Watkins Glen and need more advice or assistance with your daily self-care, keeping up with your home, and more, contact Senior Helpers Elmira-Ithaca. Not only can our caregivers assist with basic medication safety, but they can also provide support for all your in-home care needs.